Yesterdays pictures can be found here Thank you all my friends for your concern and good wishes. You don't need to worry about me personally, the house where my apartment is in is far from any water. The inner city of Dresden is much better prepared than 2002, they have built protecting walls, higher bridges and cleaned rivers, that helps a lot. But still lots of people in the suburbs needed to bring their furniture to the next floor, before they had be to evacuated from their houses while the water is approaching and flooding the ground floors. Lots of streets and schools closed today. It's officially a disaster now. The level from 2002 was 9,40 m, they think this will almost match it. So we have two floods of the millennium within only 11 years. I thought they were supposed to come only once every thousand years...
I took some more pictures today, some of the same spots like yesterday, so you can see the difference. And it still is not the peak, I hear from my friend in Prague how much water will still come from their side. At least it has stopped raining now, today we saw the sun for the first time since a week or so. Lots of people at the bridges, silently staring at the water and taking pictures.
The little house in the foreground is the office of the steam boat cooperation, where they sell tickets and stuff.
The red sign says "sightseeing tour", it is a bus stop for those red Double Decker busses. They are still going around though.
Today's water level: 7,76 meters.
The sign says that you shall go downstairs to use the toilet - don't think so.
I saw three of those bundles swimming along - we think it might be hay from some field.
Remember this place from yesterday? Yesterday it was only a little bit, now the whole meadow is gone.
Remember the beer garden from yesterday?
Remember the wall from yesterday? The wall the little girl was walking on is gone now too.
A small island in a lot of water.
Those are the stairs where people use to sit when there is the stage and movies and concerts down there. Now they sit and watch the water.
It looks almost beautiful.