Survey a la Gibbs.

Jun 04, 2009 15:39

Do you prefer Starbucks coffee or small cafe coffee?
For mixed coffee drinks, Starbucks. For plain coffee, Starbucks has revolting coffee, so definitely small cafe.

Would you ever consider getting a piercing in your septum?
Nope. A, I don't even have my ears pierced. B, I think it looks really dumb.

Do you enjoy being outdoors?
Yes quite. If it weren't rainy, I'd probably be out walking now.

What is your opinion on today's celebrities?
I like to read the gossip on, but I don't really like the celebrities that show up there.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a guy/girl?
Who hasn't? I mean, come on.

Gay marraige, love is love or a horrible stand against God?
Love is love. If your god's supposed to be loving, what's wrong with it?

Do you believe in a superior being? If so, who? If not, why?
Yyyyes? I certainly believe in something Divine. When it comes to picking a particular god, eh.

How many spelling bees have you participated in?
Lots, in elementary school, but no official state ones or anything.

If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
I wouldn't, anymore. Well, I might legally add Crianca in to the mix, but that's it.

Do you like musicals? If so, which one is your favorite?
The Last Five Years, Jesus Christ Superstar, and Reefer Madness. RENT only if it has Adam and Anthony.

Do people tell you that you have an accent?
My Yankee accent is mostly gone, but it slips out sometimes. Melk, Sayga, wicked.

Do you feel awkward around large groups of people?
Not really. I can chameleon at need. But if I'm in the mood to be alone, then yes.

How many times have you been to a zoo?

Road trips or traveling on an airplane?
Airplane. It's faster and easier.

Do you cuss?

Do you enjoy watching fireworks on the 4th of July?
I enjoy watching fireworks any time.

What are some unspeakables for you? (Subjects that make you awkward)
Hmm. Talking about my friends behind their backs. Drunk driving--I will never, ever consider it an acceptable behaviour. And maybe people talking about getting drunk or high, because I don't do and don't really approve of that, so if it gets too extensive, well.

Your opinion of root beer?
For soda, it's pretty darn good. We have an A&W around here. MMMMMMM.

Do you like rollercoasters?

Which is better; being single or being in a relationship?
Being happy in a relationship.

Is there anyone you would take a bullet for?

Do you enjoy tanning?
I've never done it as an activity.

What is your favorite word in any language?
Hmmmm. Sibuyah (onion in Tagalog) is pretty sweet. I also like bollocks....

Are you a virgin?
Not for quite a while now.

Have you ever seen The Breakfast Club? What is your opinion of it?
I wanna know how the joke ends!!

Have you ever touched a dead body?
Yes!! I touched a 12th century Crusader mummy in Ireland!!

Which of the seven deadly sins do you commit the most?
"Lust. Definitely lust." Hehehe. I agree with Emily. Though recently, had a lot of Sloth, too.

Do you consider yourself overweight or underweight?
A good weight right now. I've been underweight, it's no fun.

Who is your celebrity crush?
Robert Downey Jr. Ohhhhh, Robert Downey Jr, he is the sex on legs. And David Tennant. And Billie Piper now, heh. She has the world's most perfect ass.

Right now, what is your dream career?
I want to open up a black light theatre company.

If you had to choose between killing your best friend or significant other who would you pick?

What is your opinion of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana?
She looks like an alien! ALIEN!

Did you have a Furby when you were younger?
No, I never did.

Abortion; mother's choice or murder?
Mother's choice. It's her freaking body. I wish they weren't necessary, but I remove choice from no one.

Did/do you get good grades in English class?
Quite. It was half my major, after all.

Have you read any poems by Edgar Allen Poe? Did you enjoy them?
I have his collected works bound in sexy, red-spattered leather.

Do you have a stereotype?
I was voted Most Unique in the yearbook, sucker.

What part of your body are you self-concious about?
Thighs. I need to ride my bike more. Oh, and my teeth, ugh.

Would you shave your head for a million dollars?
>_< For a million, maybe. Can I then turn my shaved hair into a wig?

Do you think you've grown as a person since this time last year?

Do you get bothered by what people think of you?
Not unless I know they're basing their opinion off of false info. Like, if someone's smeared me with gossip, I care to correct the facts. Informed judgement, I don't care. If they don't like me as I am, they aren't worth it.

If you could change one physical trait about yourself, what would it be?
My teeth. I'd like them white and straight, please.

Are you impressed by people with good voices?
I love music, so I like singers, but I'm also a HUGE sucker for a sexy speaking voice.

Would you ever work at a fast food restaurant?
I spent a summer at Mickey D's.

When was the last time you fell in front of a lot of people?
I've been tripping a lot lately, because my sandals are decomposing.

Do you like your smile, or are you unhappy with it?
I like it in regular company, but professionally I have issues with it.

If you were starving on a freezing mountain, would you eat your friend?
Maybe if they died first. But if I died first, they could eat me.

Do you judge people harshly?
If their actions deserve it.

Would you become a vegetarian if you had the willpower to do so?
Nope. Scientifically silly.

Out of all your friends, who can you count on the most?
This is a silly question.

Do people who say they're depressed bother you?
Depends on whether it's real, or if they're just seeking attention.

What do you think of hunting?
Mmmmm, venison. If you eat it, and it isn't endangered, go right ahead.

Why is your favorite color your favorite?
Ohhhh, I don't really have just one. I have several, for many reasons.

White lies aren't dangerous; true or false?
White lies in ye olde sense (you look fine, this tastes fine, sure I want to see that movie) aren't. But the definition of a white lie seems to be growing.

Have you ever ditched your friend to hang out with someone else?
Maybe? But not unless it was someone I don't get to see often.

Do you pretend your crush is with you when you're home alone?
o_O. No.

Are you more mature than your age implies?
Than my age implies, or than other people my age? Heh.

Are you a grammar nazi, or are you fine with improper English?
"I've never invaded Poland over poor grammar, so no." HAHAHAHAHA. <3

Music taste; screaming and distortion or sweet voices and acoustic guitars?
Sweet voices and acoustic guitars, allllll the way.

Do you enjoy thunderstorms?
More than many things.

Are you happy with your height, or do you wish you were taller/shorter?
I'm pretty happy with it. I maybe wouldn't mind being taller, if I got longer legs out of the deal.

If you became a doctor, would you help your patients kill themselves?
If it were the best choice for them.

Are you good at haunted houses, or do you scream your head off?
I haven't done one in a long long long time.

Would you ever willingly go on an MTV/Vh1 reality TV show?
Not really.

Have you heard of Susan Boyle? If so, what do you think of her?
She's got a career in musical theatre ahead of her.

If you've seen it, what did you think of the Twilight movie?
Didn't see it.

Do you tan, burn, or go through the process of burn/peel/tan?
I don't really do much. I freckle somewhat. But it takes a lot to burn me, and it takes a long time for me to tan.

Would you rather be called babe or darling?
Either. It's in the tone.

Does the movie Titanic make you cry?
It probably could.

Have you ever caught a mistake in a movie?
Oh of course.

Have you ever seen that munchkin who supposedly hangs himself in the Wizard of Oz?
No, that's a myth.

Are you afraid of the future?
The near future, sometimes. Not the long term.

If you won $1,000 every week until you die, would you still go to school?
Heck yes. I love school. I'd go foreverz.

Would you still get a job?
Doing what I love.

What does the world owe you?
Owe me? Returns on the energy I invest into it, I suppose.

What trend has been getting on your nerves lately?

What very small thing has made you hugely happy?
My kitty. She is a very small thing and I loves her.

Can you read body language well?
I think so.

What do you think about girls who don't wear bras?
On a small girl, it isn't usually noticeable. But please, if you're a B or larger, restrain the girls, by all that's holy. It looks bad, and the world does not need more saggy breasts.

Do you strive for perfection?
In anything I care about.
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