the road so far; june edition

Jun 28, 2010 20:44

The Road So Far - June Edition

Second Circle [thread here] Nothing like a Hellhound attack to keep you on your toes. Too bad Dean doesn't like getting blood on the carpet. Also, sleep would be amazing if nightmares didn't exist.
Team Archangel [thread here] World Cup time. Off to watch with Sam and Blue. Time for twenty questions along the way?
[thread here] Impala talk with Dean. PS: not all angels are dicks, Marvin.
[thread here] Close encounters of the derp kind. Taking an angel-killing blade to a guy who hates angels. What.
[thread here] Mental breakdown part one. Hi dad.
[thread here] Meeting the father of the bride. Watch Cas try to give Marvin-based advice. And try to play guardian angel for the Winchester brothers.
[thread here] Back to trolling Marvin again. Also, Landels.
[thread here] Mental breakdown part two. Gabriel is the best big brother ever.
[thread here] Throwing his hat into the Landels ring. Too bad he doesn't wear one.
[thread here] Fieldtrip to Landels. Time to stalk the resident cheerleader.
Twitterverse [nc-17] [thread here] Drunk-dialing leads to arguments. Grow up, children.
[thread here] Airplanes are fun...
[thread here] ...but reunion sex is amazing. Assuming you can stay awake long enough.
Heaven Unnamed [thread here] IDKMYBFFANNA. Angels make the best guidance councellers.
Season 5, revisited. Unnamed [thread here] Heart to heart time. Sam, you don't suck as much as you think.
Welcome to 2028 Unnamed [thread here] At least there aren't any Terminators to get you. (pre-versed!Cas)
[thread here] Ben's a grown up now, Dean.
[thread here] Taking the weekend off to hang with the BFF.
Other [thread here] Meme (incomplete because the mun is a lazy twat)

verse: second circle, type: thread list, verse: twitterverse, verse: team archangel, !ooc, verse: to be named

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