What is your character's full name? Tsuchiya Yuki
What is your characters height/weight? 5'7", 115 pounds. Trap doctor needs to eat a sandwich.
Can people jump your threads?: Yes
How healthy is your character? Surprisingly so given how frail he looks, but then it's a given with his occupation, he has to be used to working long, demanding hours.
Any personal appearance quirks people should notice? He's very feminine-looking and has a high voice for a man (...and would have a low one for a woman). Feel free to be confused.
Can we hug your character?: Sure.
How about kissing?: ...if you want.
Even if they say 'No'?: Sure.
What about the dirty tango? ;} : Um. Not likely. Ask first.
Can I fight your character?: ...sure, but he's not going to put up a fight.
Can I punch/cause your character non-serious injuries?: Yes.
Can I stab/cut/cause your character serious injuries without them losing limbs?: Yes
What if they do lose limbs/get maimed?:...ask me first, please.
Can I torture your character; Mentally or Physically?: Mentally is fine, please talk to me about the extent of physically.
If you're going to drop, can I kill your character?: No
Anything else?: His specialty is in trauma medicine: he's an ER doctor.
Do you want your character to become aware of the supernatural plots in AMS? Yes
Do you want your character to become involved in the supernatural plots? Yes
Will your character become a persona user? Yes
Persona name:Airmed
Weak; Fire
Null/block; Ice
High evade;
Persona abilities: Dia, Dekunda, Posumudi, Media, Recarm