monkey says:
Tough tactics are also a calling card of Rove campaigns. USA Next, a Washington-based group, plans to spend about $10 million to advertise on television and radio and to reach people through e-mail, direct mail and by telephone, Chairman Charlie Jarvis says. The group placed an ad on the Web site of the American Spectator magazine last week saying that AARP, the largest lobby for elderly Americans and an opponent of private savings accounts, supports same-sex marriage.
monkey says:
karl rove is the devil
monkey says:
if he's not the devil, he's of the devil and needs to be stopped
Carissa says:
i don't get it
whats happening?
monkey says:
they're trying to slime the aarp so that they can gut social security
it's karl rove again. i hate that guy
Carissa says:
oh man
thats super lame
Carissa says:
sounds like an ass
monkey says:
he's bush's campaign manager for like everything
Carissa says:
hes gonna be sad when he is old...though i guess he has enough money not to worry about it
monkey says:
rich bastards
Carissa says:
Carissa says:
lets kill em
monkey says:
Carissa says:
Carissa says:
monkey says:
let's just take all their money away
monkey says:
and make them work minimum wage jobs in bangladesh
Carissa says:
Carissa says:
Carissa says: