past few days have been pretty school for 4 days. things got realy akward last night and im sorry i was being an idiot. i dant be upset today though its thanksgiving, you have no choice but to be posative and thankfull.
i actualy had a 16th birthday party and everyone was there but i ran off and like played tag or something..and i felt as if i was a kid but yet still in the dream i was turniong 16(it said so on the cake). the cake was a big part of the dream cuz we kept losing it and almost dropping it, then finaly i found it dropped on the groung and i pick up what was still left on the mate and start eating whats not on the ground(me being sanitry even in my dreams) and like start crying. then i pick up whats left anmd take it over to my mom and dad(and if which you know it would also be impossible for my mom to be at my 16th birthday) and i was like i havnt had a birthday cake in so long and just kept crying....then i kinda woke up...and just thouight about the dream..theres little things i left out so this entry doesnt get too long....but it just made me think my family tradtion is gone, this year for my 16th b-day i didnt have a party...i did have a cake though thanks to the wonderfull egan family...and no one knows this but when i went down stairs and saw my friends even if it was not all of them i felt like i want to cry in happiness, but i didnt cuz i didnt want to look emo.