(no subject)

Jul 09, 2004 16:26

The norm.
Name: david
Nicknames: DAVE
Age: nearly twenty-one
Location: wilderness
Hair color: bro wn
Eye color: gray or greenish
Height: five feet nine inches
Tattoos: yes
Piercings: no

About you
Scars: a handful
Freckles?: a handful
Do you wear Makeup: no
What color is your bedroom: whi te
Most expensive item you own: my car eats money
How would you classify your style: GQ
Fear: i don't know, money
Loves: are good persons
Hate: vampires, swords, dragons
Worst Habit: not getting jobs
How do others see you: i actually have no idea at all. i think i am a pretty good person for the most part. i don't know how well that comes off though. tell me how you see me.
What are you labeled: i got called "punkish" in sociology class on tuesday.
How many contacts do you have: such as...on AIM? maybe fifty? i keep it lean.
How many are online right now: sixteen.
What song are you listening to: lucero - here at the starlight

significant other: no
How long have you been together: we haven't
What attracts you most to them: i am not attracted to them
What bothers you most about them: nothing
Your crush: i am not sure she knowz. she probably maybe thinks i do. but yeah. carley dergins. my face is probably very red now
How long have you liked this person: since last month
Do they know you like them: now for sure i guess
Are you a Virgin: no
Would you ever hook up with someone of the same sex: it could happen. probably not though. i don't rule it out entirely.

Are your parents together: yes
Pets: albert and keyshawn
Siblings: robert.
Siblings ages: nineteen
parents age: father: fifty-eight, mother: fifty-six
Parents job: father: ford, mother: ex psychiatric nurse
House color: outside? beige
Number of floors your house has: two. basement and upstairs.
Fav. thing about your house: my parents and animals live in it
Least fav. thing about your house: location

School colors: good question
Fav. Class: sociology
Least Fav. Class: writing
Fav. teacher: s.fiore
Least Fav. Teacher: whatever my design instructor's name is. she is good and all, but the others are better
Clubs: courage crew
After school activities: bicycle rides
Are you popular: i don't think it is possible to be popular in community college, but i am my favorite person in all of my classes.
What do people think of you: i kind of wish i knew.
Ever cried at school: probably in high school and middle school, and for sure in elementary school. i wailed like a baby the first time i got suspended
Swore at a teacher: never

more acquaintances than friends: yes
Best friends: megan, robby
Do you like all your friends: yes. some i like far more than others
Worst thing a friend has done to you: i dont know, maybe what alf did. that isnt exactly a big deal anymore though.
Worst thing you've done to a friend: i drop out of contact with people a lot.
Loudest friend: drunk megan
Shyest: robby. maybe carley too. but robby for sure
Most talented: vallera seems to be pretty good at a lot of things he takes seriously
Smartest: megan
Sexiest: ?! i hate this word so much
Craziest: jeffrey bielic i miss you. that probably is not how your last name is spelled.
weirdest: vallera is weird. so weird
Always makes you smile: megan
Someone You wish you were better friends with: annie laser
An acquaintance you wish was your friend: ryan swigart

Secrets (or not)
done drugs: yes
got drunk: yes
Smoke: yes. i am a pro
Stayed up all night partying: i suppose yes
Stayed up all night alone: yes
Had sex: yes
Hooked up with someone you didn't know: no
Hooked up with a friends guy/girl: no
Broken the law: nothing severe
Snuck out: no
Stolen: extensively
Skinny-dipped: a lot last summer
Stalked someone: no

Color: brown maybe
Music Genre: good question
Movie Genre: teen girl movies
Band: portraits of past, assfactor four
Animal: dogs
Sport: hockey. i still actually like it
Song: something less than intended
Quote: "Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials
Book: the things they carried.
Movie: city of god, right now.
Composer: i wish i knew
Language: gaelic. by a mile.
Person: my parents
Clothing: my sweater that i left at megans

Beliefs & Views
God: no
Attend Church: no. i kind of want to go to church though, to observe
Spiritual: no
Aliens: not in the sense of spacemen, but jelloish creatures and stuff, yes
Ghosts: no
Love at first sight: love after first sight
Wishes: rule
Abortion: it isn't birth control. every woman deserves the right to make her decision. no matter what.
Politics: my politics are all on a personal level.
Death: isn't tight
Sex before marriage: whenever two people decide it is okay with them, it is okay with me. i am separating myself from sexual activity for a while now though.
Legalizing marijuana: legalize it.
Eating disorders: very sad
The media: i love the media.
Gay marriages: i support this one hundred thousand percent
War: no
Meat: i stopped eating it again
'Angry music': palatka were so pissed off.

Word Association
Love: people
Music: snacktruck
White: lines
Death: reat
Computer: lightning
Peace: robby
T.V: i love newlyweds
School: stress
Sex: stop having it/don't start
Plant: grass
Hate: baseketball
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