It's been stinking hot in Canberra. Well, stinking hot if you have to spend half the day looking after children with a strange affinity to the outdoors. :D I think I'm developing a T-shirt tan.
Our record player arrived yesterday! How exciting! We've got 5 records for $8 but the real novelty's just in being able to play them. Sometimes, the only way to make the songs bearable is to set them on double time so the singers end up sounding like Smurfs. My sister gets amused by that. Cheap thrills. :D
Also, my boss lent me Twilight. I can't say that I'm really sucked in at the moment. Maybe it was all the hype? Maybe? I'll let you know what I think when I finish the book.
Sunday School last weekend went well. We didn't do all I planned to but at least I know from experience what will and won't work. I'll put a few quiet activities on inside and then herd them outside to play more active games. That way, there's no excuse for them to play their DS/PSPs. We had a couple of children who hardly understood a word of English, though and it's so hard to communicate. You'd think being Asian, we'd cope but no. Not even the kids whose parents speak at home could explain the rules of poison ball. Oh well. It's really quite easy to pick up so we managed. :)
Back to planning next Sunday's lesson!