my friggin kidneys man i swear if it isnt stones its an infection ibueprofin 800mg please and an antibiotic too and a huge ass motherlovin bruise from the IV..i love this world
just gotta love sunday's sorry to hear about the splinter. the kid whose house it was now calls me mary jane..explanation later. love you lots
Comments 14
im such a sickly child, i have to wonder why my mom didn't just shoot me when i was born
i love you
perque tu sei senti male?
man, im gettin good <3
if it isnt stones its an infection
ibueprofin 800mg please and an antibiotic too
and a huge ass motherlovin bruise from the IV..i love this world
you are good<33
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yo man. dont even bother. amazing owns all.
well i do. call me slut. lots to chat about
* What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: being sexually attracted to fire would rid you of the ability to procreate
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