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hinky_hippo December 30 2011, 02:09:48 UTC
The one where McGee covers for the boys when Vance calls/comes


dietpunkfics December 30 2011, 02:33:05 UTC
"Agent McGee. Sit rep."

Stunned, Tim spun around to see the director standing behind him in all his tooth picked glory.

"Uh... Sorry, Director?"

"Where exactly are Gibbs and DiNozzo?"

Biting his tongue, Tim shrugged. "Sorry, Director, I'm not exactly sure. Can I pass on a message?"

His eyes narrowed, Vance let out a 'harumph'. "Tell them that when they get back I need to see them both in my office. Immediately."

Inwardly, Tim groaned and decided right then and there he wouldn't cover for them again for them the next time they decided to use the elevator for a quickie.


hinky_hippo December 30 2011, 02:38:51 UTC
*huggles Timmy* Very cute! =)


dietpunkfics December 30 2011, 02:42:54 UTC
DAMMIT! Too bad I goofed and had two for them's in there!


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