It was pretty damn sweet. Got there in time to see four bands. 5 Alpha Beatdown, Rock N Roll Soldiers, Robbers On High Street, and the main band The Dandy WarholsWe were right on the stage and in the middle. Front and middle. No barrier. It was pretty awesome
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It's so nice to know that there are quantum physicists in Austria working to answer the big, important questions, like "Can I go back in time & kill my father, thus preventing my own birth?"
On Friday, June 10th, Drew, Keenan, Markus, Nick, Colin and I (aka band) are playing at this benifet concet at Iroquois from 3:30-6:30. We are playing a 30 minute set, including around four original songs
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I was in Florida last week. It was fun. Didn't really do much that deserves a journal entry. Except that when I was with my brother when he was checking out Eckerd (the college he decided that he is going to. Chris, not Matt. Matts going to NYU) we walked by the radio thing and I was saying how I would take part in the station and then I tripped.
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