Title: bleeding lungs of choir girls Fandom: Supernatural Summary: She makes up the most wonderful stories. Notes: Written for day one of the Women Fandom Hates - Love Fest comm.
Mumbles slip past her lips, a name that she can’t remember and suddenly they’re all looking at her, all of the angels, and that being, that kind, reverent, horrible man with more power than she can ever imagine.
Love this. It reminds me a little of the Green Room and how the paintings changed to reflect the change in tone and the angels' mission for Dean. I like the idea of angels using paintings of their own images as a form of both direct and indirect communication.
Comments 3
Mumbles slip past her lips, a name that she can’t remember and suddenly they’re all looking at her, all of the angels, and that being, that kind, reverent, horrible man with more power than she can ever imagine.
Love this. It reminds me a little of the Green Room and how the paintings changed to reflect the change in tone and the angels' mission for Dean. I like the idea of angels using paintings of their own images as a form of both direct and indirect communication.
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