[ Round Two ] Guidelines

Oct 20, 2008 16:15

I'm going to be posting a whole set of new rules over here, all participants must read these guidelines. Or rather, read them to understand what is going to be changed and what is going to be important.
I'm sorry if I'm spamming your f-list continually with updates about digi_lims but as a mod, I need to highlight these.


➩ Hotlinking is not tolerated. As of 19/10/08, those found hotlinking images from any website (Digimonspirit.net especially), will be either disqualified/banned. Those before the said date will receive 1 elimination vote for the nearest challenge they participate & a warning. Second offence will either lead to disqualification/banned.

➩ The first challenge, participants will not be allowed to use a skip. If they do not submit for the first challenge, they will be disqualified.

➩ A participant may gain a maximum of 2 skips before Challenge 01 Voting is put up:
- Promoting digi_lims in a public post
- Making a banner set for a previous round or future challenge.
- Contributing to the community in some way - Dedication.


➩ Least Favourite ≠ Less Quality.

➩ Voting will be stricter and will be read by the mods to ensure all voters stick by the voting rules. We want fair voting where critiques are constructive and reasonable.

➩ ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST VOTE TO AVOID DISQUALIFICATION. Unless you state beforehand that you'll be busy during the voting period. We've noticed that towards the end of the Round, less members vote and so participants do not have sufficent critiques/comments to satisfy them.

➩ When voting, it is compulsory to have at least one helping line in your critique.
Exp. The image quality is low and the textures are oversaturated. Maybe if the opacities of the textures were lowered, it would look much better
This will help the participants improve their icons. Remember that we are an elimination contest and although there may be harsh critiques, we still want to help icon-makers.

➩ Harsh critiques were warned and we will not tolerate harsh critiques. Harsh critiques are:
- Critiques that are rude and hurtful.
Exp. The textures are horrible on the icon and the text choice is terrible.
Harsh critiques will lead into offenses:
1. Warning
2. Disqualification/Ban

➩ Do not vote on the theme. We are not voting off the icon if the icon does not fit the theme very well. If the icon was put in voting, a mod would have examined it before it had even gone up. This is questioning a mod's duty and it is a indirect remark that the mods are not doing their jobs. The theme(s) are only guidelines to allow participants to all have something common in their icons. We will only ensure that the icon fits the theme not whether in any other way does the icon not relate to the theme as in the text/image etc. That is an opinion. Not a critique.

➩ Do not use the words "I" & "Me". You will be asked to revote.

➩ If you include a critique in your favourite icon/special category that seems opinionated, you will be asked to revote. If the character(s) in the icon appeal more to you than it should, we will take it as an opinion and you will be asked to revote or your vote will not count. Opinions are not critiques.

➩ If an icon style seems different/unfamiliar to you, don't vote it off just because it looks that way. Every icon is unique and if one is particularly so, it should not be singled out because it does look different.

➩ When voting, vote based on technique/quality. Quality - image quality. Technique - textures/brushes/text used. Try to look at the icon from a different perspective and imagine the icon with a character from a different anime/manga/cartoon you have never seen before. This will help in concentrating on critiquing the icon's technique/quality.

➩ Voting will now be extended to 3 days to allow participants enough voting time.


➩ There will be 10-15 challenges based on how many participants there are. The first few challenges 1-3, two participants will be eliminated, there may be a comeback challenge, based on popularity. From then onwards, there will only be one eliminated until we reach our final three.

➩ Identities (Round Two) will only be revealed unless:
- You are eliminated
- You are in the Final Three (Results)
Everyone's identity will be revealed in the end.


➩ Challenges will be posted on a Monday and will end on a Friday. Please note that 2/3 of the mods live in Singapore and that Singapore is mostly a few hours ahead of timing than in most countries unless you live in Asia/Australia. If you are unsure, here is a Clock of Singapore.

➩ Voting will be posted immediately after the challenge ends and will go on for 3 days, voting will end on a Monday and results will go up. On the same day, the next challenge will be posted.

➩ There will be an extension of challenge/voting if there is:
- Insufficient entries
- Lack of votes
But extensions will only go so far that it will be only one day. Challenges will still be posted on a Monday to let participants think about the theme(s) given.

➩ There will be permanent banner-makers:
If you would like to become a permanent banner-maker, please contact any of the mods.

They will work in a rotation, if they do not complete their banners, members may want to volunteer themselves to gain one more skip in the next upcoming round.

➩ Your mods are Megan(simpleflower)[Head Mod], Kerri(silhouettedwing)[Co-Mod] & Joha(mochaa)[Co-Mod]. If you have any questions, please send a Private Message to them (using the LJ system. Go to the mod's profile and click "Send a Private Message". Do not contact them on their personal journals.

➩ If you have any queries, please comment here.

!mod, guidelines, round two

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