I must say, this guy is like... one of my favorite people ever. A true icon of human ambition.
If you watched and/or followed So You Think You Can Dance? a few nights back; August 16th 2007, you'd have seen this awesome guy in the finale as a guest star.
He's 20 years old, lives in Georgia, he's majoring in Computer Science (Yay, he's a geek!), and he has Scoliosis. It's a deformity of the spine where it lacks cartilage and thus is twisted, so he's half-paralyzed. However, this hasn't stopped him from living and even dancing like a pro.
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After seeing this audition, despite his physical limitations barring him from the competition, they couldn't turn down having him and his "
Chibotics" on the show for a finale appearance. And a spot in a movie.
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Dear God, I can't get over the way he simulates spinning hands...