Rules and Strike System

Jun 13, 2010 21:05

Revised rules for the reboot. Not much different from the original rules. These may be tweaked as time passes, so it would be a good idea to review these every now and then.


1. Have fun. This is a roleplay. We are pretending to be kids with pet monsters, and this should not affect real life. While the moderators are devoted to running a good game, real life always takes precedence over anything game-related. They cannot be expected to attend to minutiae not immediately related to the game itself. For your edification and the mods' peace of mind, please read and internalize this post: Internet Drama and You.

2. Be civil. We don't want wank, and we don't want players being nasty to each other. RPing is for fun. Also, if some character insults your character, keep in mind that it's not personal. See the link in #1.

2. Stay in character. Yes, it's years later than canon, and slightly AU, yes, you'll have to change some minor things to fit. However, don't make Jou give up medical school to produce a musical about Etemon. We want the characters to be believable.

3. If you have a problem with a character or their mun, talk it over with the mun before going to the mod(s). Most players don't like people going behind their back to complain. If that doesn't work, go to the mod(s), with the player's knowledge. The mods should only be involved as a last ditch effort. If there is a problem with both players involved, the mods will not hesitate to warn or punish either or both of them as appropriate. The mods are not afraid of banning particularly problematic players.

4. There is a limit of 3 characters per person, and if the mod(s) notice that you can't handle that many, we'll talk to you about it and you may have to drop one.

5. Don't god mode. This means you can't go "And then Miyako stabbed Iori and he died." No. Unless you play both characters, you can't do that. You need to make everything so that the other players have time to respond to whatever you do. On a similar note, don't assume that a character will know or do something unless you've talked to their mun in advance.

6. Good grammar and spelling would be awesome. We hate wAtChInG ppls type lyke dis, and lyk3 d1$ isn't any better. We don't mind if English is your second or third language, or even if you have one of many learning disabilities, as long as you speak/read/write it well enough to keep up with everything and communicate with others. Use of good grammar is also a bonus.

7. As for pairings, we'll take anything. Over PG-13, put it under a cut with a warning, though. We are het, yaoi, and yuri friendly. Don't like it, don't read it.
    7A. The over PG-13 rule also applies to any violence or profanity. Please warn for any of these. If it's in a comment, please warn in the comment topic header.

8. Please stay as active as possible. We would really like to see everyone being highly active, as it makes it more fun for everyone. Missing characters slows everyone down, and ruins/highly complicates the completion of plots for the other people involved. Try to keep up with things at the very least, and post at least once a week. If you know you'll be gone longer than this, talk to the mods and say that you need to go on hiatus. If it's going to be an ongoing problem, then you may want to rethink your involvement. Expecting the mod(s) or other players to poke you constantly in order to keep you active is unacceptable.

9. If you pick up a Chosen Child and their Digimon hasn't been taken yet (or vice-versa), you are allowed to NPC that digimon, but keep it IC, and you must stop if the digimon gets picked up by someone else.

-Tier System-
1. Primary/Secondary Characters
    A. Each players are given a chance to declare their character as “Primary” character or “Secondary” character.

Original 12 Japanese chosen have been assumed as Primary characters in the past, however, it is also true some of the 01 cast have been largely invisible in season 2. Also, depending on the character history it is possible for one character to be not so involved in the Digital world issue. (ex. Jou had little screen time in 02. He is also studying to be a doctor. It would make sense if he wasn’t as active online as others.)

Each player can set up their character status as Primary or Secondary, and you could set the status in the beginning of the four periods of three month each, noted down below.

So, here are the expectations:

For Primary characters
    A. Should post at least twice a month, and comments/interactions encouraged

For Secondary characters
    A. Should post at least once a month, and comments/interactions encouraged When these were not met, you’ll be given strikes, from our old rules.

-Strike System-

I. Posting "Periods" and Strike Counts
    A. The year will be separated into four periods of three months each. These periods are January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December.
    B. Each period, every player is given three strikes, which are the official tally of activity (or more precisely, inactivity).
    C. At the end of each play period, your strikes are refreshed and you start with no strikes to your name. <3

II. How Do You Get a Strike?
    A. Players are required to post at least once a week (more is encouraged). However, if a player does not post after ten days, they will get an e-mail from the mods reminding them that they need to post.
    B. If they do not post within fourteen days of their last post, a strike will be issued.
    C. The process is as follows:

* Player does not post for 10 days.
    * A mod will e-mail them, giving them a deadline date to post by.
    * After 14 days, and no post, the player gets a strike.
    * Each player gets three strikes without being asked to step down. However, a fourth strike will result in action being taken.

D. Strikes are only strikes if they are e-mails that have been issued by one of the mods. Being poked over an instant messenger does not count as a warning or a strike, so don't worry.

III. What Happens If I Get a Strike?
    A. Strike One: Don't worry. You're fine, we still love you. Just try not to let it happen again, it happens to all of us.
    B. Strike Two: Be careful! If you're busy, just say so! We totally understand, and we can make arrangements IC'ly for your busyness!
    C. Strike Three: Okay, you really need to reconsider your involvement in this RPG. Do you really want to be here? Are you having difficulty playing? Please, if we can help you keep your posts regular in any way, we're here to help you! But we need you active. This is your last strike, okay?
    D. Strike Four: Sorry, but we have to ask you to step down as your character. This is a very active RPG, and as much as we love having you interested in the game, this is, still, a game, and if you can't play, then we need to find someone who will. The mods will e-mail you about this, and if you are willing to give up your character journal for the next player, we will ask for your journal password. Of course, should the character still be open later, and you wish you reapply later when you have more time to give to the game, we would love to have you back. Of course, you can always appeal to the mods, if you have a good reason to have us let you stay in the RPG.

IV. What If I Have To Go Away? You Know, Real Life Calls And All That.
    A. Declare a Hiatus:
    If you are going on a trip, conference, or just have a lot of schoolwork or other real-life issues, simply post to the community telling us when you will be gone, and the latest we can expect to have you back. This means we want a forecasted return date. Easy, right?

B. Community Hiatus:
    If there are a large number of people declaring a hiatus at any given time (ie. summer vacation, finals, etc.) the community will consider a community-wide hiatus. Posting can still happen, of course, but the strike system will not be in effect at this time.

C. Have Someone Sub For You:
    If you are going to be on hiatus for longer than a month, we suggest that you dicuss with a player you trust (preferably in this community) to "take over" your character while you are gone. Only select this option if you trust the person--and notify the mods (the community isn't necessary) if this is the case. The substitution should last no longer than one full period (three months), or we will ask you to step down as the character.

V. Other Posting Matters
    A. Repeat Offenders
    Repeat offenders are those that, while not reaching a fourth strike in the previous period, are always having to be constantly reminded to post. If there is a repeat offender, the strike guidelines will be stricter for each progressing period.

    1st period of offense: 1 Strike per 15 Days of Inactivity/ 1 Strike per 30 days of Inactivity
    2nd period of offense: 1 Strike per 15 Days of Inactivity/ 1 Strike per 30 days of Inactivity
    3rd+ period of offense: 1 Strike per 7 Days, You Might Be Requested To Step Down (Mod Discretion)

If you are a repeat offender and you go a full term without any strikes, your repeat offenses will be discarded.

B. Do Comments Count?
    Yes, comments will count as activity, though actual journal posts are also necessary. Mods will use their discretion and the feedback of your fellow members in order to determine what is considered substantial posting and what isn't.

C. OOC Posting
    As the rules state, you are expected to be 80% loyal to canon characterization. If your posted is considered to be too out of character, it will not count. This will be determined again by majority opinion of the community.

D. What About Secondary Characters?
    So far we have not had any problems with secondary characters' involvement. Therefore the strike system will be applied, though again at mod's discretion, it will probably be more lax if the player is being particularly active with their other character.

!modpost, !rules

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