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May 02, 2012 02:37

So it turns out I didn't write as much as I thought for Savers so I'm going to go ahead and post all my Savers fics in this post right here and I guess I'll figure out Frontier and Tamers later. Tamers will definitely be last.

All these fics were originally posted during their respective rewatches on digitalrewind.

Title: Dinner at the Daimon's
Series: Savers
Characters: Chika, Masaru, Tohma, Agumon, Gaomon, Sayuri
Rating: PG
Word count: Er... 474, but what's a couple hundred words difference?
Note: Takes place around episode 10.

With the tanker back safely on its course, the Daimon siblings and Agumon set off towards their home. Tohma joined them after a mile or so down the road, his appearance nearly knocking Masaru off his feet.

Chika kept quiet as Tohma ignored her brother, focusing instead on her. "Chika-chan, do you want to continue our lunch?"

She shook her head, "No, I think I'd rather go home now. If that's okay..."

"Sure, it's okay!" Masaru was already up, a couple feet ahead of everyone. "Mom's probably making dinner right now." He turned, making his way back over to the others, placing a hand on stop of his sister's head. "I'll let you have first dibs, to make up for my behavior today."

Chika looked down, but a smile was present on her face.

Beside the two, Agumon whined, "But Aniki..."


A plate of fried eggs lay in the center of the dinner table, Sayuri scooping up rice into bowls before handing them out. Agumon lifted a claw, his chopsticks ready and poised to strike when a fist came down on his head. The dinosaur cried out, chopsticks falling as the claw instead went to his injured head.

"Aniki! Why'd you do that?!"

Masaru glared, "Chika gets her share first. Be a man and suck it up." He tossed a smile over, "Go on, Chika."

Chika kept her mouth shut, but started to take some fried eggs from the center of the table. When she had a good amount on her plate, Agumon's chopsticks attacked, taking the rest. Half ended up with Masaru, after a good struggle.

Tohma sighed, already used to their antics, when Sayuri placed a separate plate of fried eggs near him and Gaomon. She smiled, not noticing Tohma slipping back into thought. The last few Digimon appearances puzzled him, he needed to find out just why Digimon came to the Real World, why they committed crimes... and why humans were necessary.

Gaomon sneaked a peek at his Master, the plate of eggs sitting in front of him. A glance at the rest of the table showed Agumon and Masaru fighting for the last piece of fried egg while Chika only shook her head at them, her chopsticks bringing food to her mouth.

Hesitantly, he picked up his own chopsticks. Tohma was still lost in thought. Gaomon gulped, not used to being tempted while his Master was nearby, slowly bringing his chopsticks closer to the food. He took a piece of egg, quickly putting it in his mouth before Tohma could see.

His eyes widened as he chewed, slowly, tasting the flavor and wishing he could forever eat just fried eggs until he couldn't anymore. He swallowed, already hungry for more when he found Sayuri looking at him expectantly. He let a smile slip onto his face.

"This is delicious."

Title: Sing A Song
Series: Savers
Characters: Yoshino, Lalamon, Mrs. Fujieda
Rating: PG
Word count: 279
Note: Takes place during Yoshino's first (and only) focus episode.

Mrs. Fujieda was worried. After that... failed recital, Yoshino had locked herself in her room, not letting anyone, even her sisters, in. She leaned against the wall outside Yoshino's room, wondering what she could say to her youngest daughter.

A giggle filtered through the door. Mrs. Fujieda blinked. Was Yoshino better?

A second later, a simple melody began to play, as if someone was singing it. Mrs. Fujieda held her breath, as the tune from a childrens' toy piano accompanied the song.

The song abruptly ended as soon as it began.

"Awww~ Why'd you stop?"

There was a pause, and Mrs. Fujieda frowned. Who was in Yoshino's room?

"...Can you teach me another song?"

Yoshino's mother straightened, standing to attention. She didn't recognize the second voice, as high pitched as it was.

"Sure Budmon! Um... let's see..."

Mrs. Fujieda rattled the doorknob, "Yoshino? Yoshino, open this door right now! Who is in there?"

The door slowly opened, Yoshino's head peeking out, "No one's here, Mommy." Her big eyes staring up at her mother. Mrs. Fujieda poked her head into her daughter's room. The little piano she had handed down to all her daughter lay on the door, toppled over. She frowned, eyes narrowing in on a strange stuffed animal on Yoshino's bed that wasn't there before.

She looked down, Yoshino still staring up, her eyes blinking now and then.


Mrs. Fujieda huffed, not knowing what else to say. "Yoshino... You did good today." With that, she turned her heel and walked away.


Yoshino quickly closed her bedroom door, turning around to look at her bed. Budmon blinked back before grinning.

"We sure fooled your mom good, huh?"

Title: Kimi wa Blend
Series: Savers
Characters: Tohma, hint of Sebastian, mentions of Gaomon and Relena
Rating: PG
Word count: 391
Note: Takes place before the epilogue of Savers.

Tohma took his glasses off, rubbing his eyes with his other hand. He was close to finding the cure, he could feel it in his bones. He slipped his glasses back one, his fingers typing away at his keyboard when the door to the room opened.

The Norstein family butler entered, supporting a tray with one hand. Tohma paid the older man no mind, his thoughts full of formulas and equations that one with a normal IQ wouldn't understand. It was only when a cup was placed beside his keyboard did Tohma stop his typing.

"Thank you Sebastian."

He gave a small nod, picking up the cup, letting the liquid settle before taking a small sip.

At the taste of the tea though, his face fell, Sebastian frowned.

"Is something wrong, sir?"

Tohma shook his head, setting the cup back onto his desk. "No," he gave the old man a smile, one that didn't touch his eyes, but a smile all the time, "thank you for the tea. That'll be all."

Sebastian bowed, taking the tray back with him.

As soon as the door to the room shut, Tohma let himself lean back. His eyes fell onto the cup he had just taken a sip of. It was silly, but he had hoped... It had been so long since he had Gaomon's original blend, the one that vowed they would one day meet again. He knew Sebastian was trying. This wasn't the first time the old butler tried to recreate the Digimon's creation, and it wouldn't be the last.

His eyes then found a picture, one of the entire DATS gang, before the Digimon returned to Earth. Masaru had insisted he be up in the front, Agumon joining in, while the others could only look on and give that smile saved only for Masaru. Tohma and Gaomon were on one side of Masaru, and even now, years later, he could see Gaomon's attention was not at the camera like the rest, but at him.

One day, when that blend was made once more, only then, would Tohma see Gaomon again.

He sighed, pushing away such thoughts, instead turning back to his computer. Gaomon would wait for him forever, Relena on the other hand... She didn't have much time left. He had to focus on the present.

And the present was Relena.

Title: Friends
Series: Savers (movieverse)
Characters: Rhythm
Rating: PG
Word count: 187
Constructive Criticism: Why not?
Note: Takes place around movie canon.

Rhythm always thought she was weak.

That was why she hid whenever someone ran past, or why simple things like nightfall would make her jump in fright.

He found her one night, huddled in a dark corner of a cave, soaked from the downpour. She shivered as he knelt before her, his multiple eyes frightening her.

As soon as Argomon spoke however, her fears dissipated.

"Hello, I'm Argomon. Are you alright?"

After that, it was nearly impossible to tear the two apart. Argomon protected Rhythm, from nature to other Digimon, it didn't matter. Rhythm finally felt safe.

And then the humans attacked. Rumors surfaced, word-of-mouth stating that SaberLeomon, even Mercurimon, had fallen against the horrible beings.

Something changed in Argomon. It was subtle, Rhythm almost missed it. The other Digimon was quiet, moreso than usual. And it struck her as odd.

And then he vanished.

It was during the night, much like when they first met, rain hitting the ground hard.

Rhythm stayed in their hideout for weeks, waiting, hoping, Argomon would come back safely.

It was the first time she truly felt scared for her friend.

gaomon, yoshino, agumon, tohma, lalamon, savers, masaru, chika, author: terrierlee, gen

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