I couldn't possibly recount the story like I would if I was talking to people, so I'll just post a divechat transcript:
digistardbz: I was wanting to tell you guys, something that was so hysterical happened when my sister and I went out for sushi tonioght
digistardbz: *tonight
razorsaw: oh?
digistardbz: Oh GOD yes.
digistardbz: So this place we went to, very small nook restaurant in this bigger shopping plaza, near a mall my sister and I go to once in a while.
digistardbz: On the table they advertised some specials that they were having either that month or season or whatever
digistardbz: One of them, and that was initially to our giggling, was that one of them was called a "Laura's Sweet Roll".
digistardbz: My sister said, "I didn't know you had a sweet roll."
digistardbz: And we laughed, but I noticed something I was reading it.
digistardbz: Apparently the major part of its advertisement is Japanese sweet potatoes.
digistardbz: You wanna know what they're called in Japanese?
razorsaw: hm?
digistardbz: They're called satsumaimo.
razorsaw: .............................
digistardbz: On a LAURA'S Sweet Roll
razorsaw: .........
digistardbz: LAURA'S SWEET ROLL
razorsaw: pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft
tormentacorazon: XD
digistardbz: Needless to say I doubled over and my sister and I were laughing like loonies over this.
razorsaw: what's next? my favorite food being called a Burton somewhere?
digistardbz: I wouldn't put it past them!
digistardbz: And every time I think about it I go into a gigglefit!
digistardbz: It was FUCKING EERIE and that's what made me laugh so hard
digistardbz: XD
digistardbz: What's worse
digistardbz: Potatoes are my favorite food in the whole world o.o
digistardbz: Don't like sweet potatoes too much but DAMN
razorsaw: wow
jenioctavia: aaugh gotta restart. brb.
jenioctavia has left the room.]
digistardbz: I mean, granted his surname's kanji and meaning has significant historical significance and is more akin to someone having "Lincoln" or "Washington" as a last name (1)
digistardbz: But still, sweet potatoes. Fuck.
digistardbz: I want potato skins now though :<
digistardbz: With sour cream and bacon bits and chives
kitkatsody: .....now I'm hungry
digistardbz: ^^;
digistardbz: But I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you guys
kitkatsody: *noms a chatter*
digistardbz: This one goes down in the books for sure.