Things are going pretty good, which leads to Happy T.J. He tends to rant about things in no particular order nor reason.
On my worse days, when I am the definition of emo, where all I can think about is how miserable I am and how much I hate everything, when nothing good will ever come from life and how my existence in meaningless, I'm still ten times funnier then Tim and Eric. GREAT JOB!
Reason why I wanted to get into animation: Epic Fight Scenes.
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The above pic inspired me to draw this:
A glimpse into my day to day life.
OMG "WATCHMEN". Hopefully it'll be epic.
Speaking of super hero movies, you know what was surprisingly really good? The "Wonder Woman" animated movie that was just released on DVD. No, really, its DAMN good. Its no "Dark Knight", but its pure entertainment. I was laughing my ass off and loving every action scene. Voice acting was top notch and the story was ok too. GO WATCH IT NOW!!! NOOOOOOOOW!!!
Also, I love "Street Fighter". IV rocks, but I love the series in general. Busted out my vhs copy of the anime movie, its still very good.
I was gonna post the "Right Now (Someone Is Reading This Title)" amv, which is quite possibly my favorist amv ever, but turns out YouTube took it down cause of copyright reasons...I think. BOOOOOOO! Instead watch this.
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Nicolas Cage brings Bear Blasting to a new level.