So. Random notings while watching the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie that kind of connect to the second one (but are mostly just me being weird).
I'll update if I notice more.
["Chief Jack Sparrow" just doesn't have the same ring...]
After Elizabeth falls off of the wall-thing while the Commodore is talking to her? They pan to Jack and those two guys at the port he was talking to, and he's telling them, "And then they made me their chief." Any connection to what happens in the second movie, maybe?
["The mark!?"]
Okay, wow, how did I forget about this? Commodore tells Jack he believes thanks are in order for saving Elizabeth and goes to shake his hand, then pulls back his sleeve to reveal the 'P' mark on his wrist. His comments? "Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we, pirate?" Jack looks rather uncomfortable at that remark, and Governor Swann says to hang him. o_O Shows why no one seemed to like Beckett in the second movie, I guess.
[The compass and the Pearl - trivial questions, dear Will.]
Will: How is it that Jack came by that compass?
Gibbs: Not a lot's known about Jack Sparrow fore he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I'd met him. Back when he was captain of the Black Pearl.
Will: *looks surprised* What?
Gibbs: *looks uncomfortable, almost chokes on his drink*
Will: He failed to mention that.
[Barbossa bleeding while undead...?]
When Elizabeth is on the ship with Barbossa and his crew, she ends up stabbing him with a knife when he has her dine with him. And then Barbossa pulls the knife out, and there's blood on it. Should that be possible? O_o
[The Treasure + History of the Black Pearl?]
Barbossa makes a comment about how they've waited 10 years (to lift the curse). And I'm guessing they stole the treasure after Jack was mutinied? There's actually a point to this part, but I'll get to it later. *lazy*
[The undead monkey, wtf?]
I totally forgot about this, but it was refreshed in my mind after the movie. If you watch after the credits, you see the monkey go back and steal some of the 'cursed Aztec gold'. Hence, he is now cursed and thus undead from that point forward. XP Though that still doesn't explain how Barbossa is alive when Jack shot him once he turned mortal.