Put your music player on shuffle.
Press forward for each question.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating!
[dev note: i added bands just because i felt in some cases it added to the humour... you might understand if you're farmiliar with some of the bands]
What does next year have in store for me?
[Kings of Leon] Velvet Snow
What's my love life like?
[Hieroglyphics] Powers That Be
What do i say when life gets hard?
[Phantom Planet] The Happy Ending
What do i think when i get up in the morning?
[Panic! At the Disco] London Beckoned Songs About Money By Machines
What song will i dance to at my wedding?
[The Strokes] Evening Sun
What do you want as a career?
[The Blood Brothers] Birth Skin / Death Leather
Your favourite saying?
[Kings of Leon] Dusty
What do you think of Angolina Jolie?
[Phantom Planet] In Our Darkest Hour
Your pets name?
[The Blood Brothers] Fucking's Greatest Hits
Favourite place?
[The Blood Brothers] Feed Me To The Forest
Describe your sexlife:
[Kings of Convenience] Know-How
What do you think of your parents?
[The Strokes ft. Regina Spektor] Post Modern Girls
What's your Pornstar name?
[The Futureheads] Carnival Kids
Where would you go on a first date?
[The Strokes] Last Night
Drug of choice?
[The Futureheads] Hounds of Love
Describe yourself:
[Phantom Planet] The Guest (Live)
What is the thing i like doing most?
[The Blood Brothers] Cecillia And The Silhuette Saloon
What song best describes my school principle?
[The Strokes] Ize Of The World
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
[Phantom Planet] California (Demo)
How will i die?
[The Blood Brothers] Meet Me At The Waterfront After The Social
ahhh haha!
In other news, I'm sick, Tonsilitus. But... All in all, Life is fun right now :) My art's progressing too. I really must scan some stuff, i'm eager for some C&C, it's been a fair while since i've shown you guys anything... I think it's about time! Umm... I can't say too much about a certain thing! but... i will say -everything- is cool in my mind right now. :D and i'm working on a story i'd like to be able to do an OGN of. But... I'm not rushing things. I've gotta work a lot before i do any OGN's.