Title: Still Alive For You, Love
Author: digitalchoco
Fandom: Glee
Rating: PG
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Puck, Kurt, Puck/Kurt
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 326
Warning: None
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: I don’t own FOX, I don’t own Glee, I don’t own anything. Come to think of it, I am very poor.
Summary: It didn’t matter how long he had to fight it.
A/N: Inspired from
this magnificent piece of musical art.
It didn’t matter how long he had to fight it. It didn’t matter if he had to fight this war against himself for years. Noah was determined to win this, he had to. Had to stay alive. If he didn’t he would be breaking so many promises, and more importantly, he would be breaking someone’s heart.
Years of memories, of tears and smiles and laughter and lazy Sunday mornings in bed. Of their first apartment, of frequent IKEA visits and landlord disagreements. Memories of watching the dust slowly settle in Kurt’s hair during the annual spring cleaning. He had to keep fighting.
Even though it was faint now, as faint as everything else, he could still remember how easily Kurt’s name fell over his lips, so easy to find among all other words. He could give anything just so he would be able to say that name again, whisper it tenderly or scream it out in pure happiness. But where he was now, he couldn’t speak, whisper nor shout. This place was dark, scarier than any other place he had ever been, and yet it was still not a physical location. Sometimes the darkness shifted into something else, a lush forest with soft grass underneath his bare feet, or a deserted beach where the waves were constantly singing to him. Those were the times when it was harder to fight.
The important thing was that he was still giving it his all.
He heard his stories, the ones Kurt told him while gently squeezing his hand. He had heard so many things now. He had heard him whisper, sigh, cry, whimper, but since this war began, not once had he heard him laugh. If there was anything that Noah wanted, it was to hear him laugh again.
If that was to happen, he had to win this.
He just wanted to wake up, kiss his beloved again and tell him he was still alive for him.
A/N: I am sooo out of my loop. On the upside though, I moved from Sweden to the UK. Guess that's something!