Title: Perfect Would Be Too Good
Authors: digitalchoco
Characters/Pairing: Established Puck/Kurt
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Genre: Fluff, romance
Word Count: 476
Disclaimer: Not mine. This is a work of fiction, I’m not making any money off this.
Summary: How sharing a bed can change ones life.
The smallest of things often makes the biggest difference. Like choosing fruit instead of chocolate, or a green scarf instead of a blue one. Like sleeping in a big bed with your boyfriend for the first time.
It’s silly, really. The way Kurt loves that he can stretch out, further and further, and still feel the comfortable warmth of another body next to him. The way Noah’s breath often tickles his neck or makes him wrinkle his nose when he’s forgotten to brush his teeth. Going from sharing a small single bed every now and then to this, a king sized monster of a bed… it was probably the best night’s sleep he had ever had.
Then it’s the waking up. Watching the tiny dust particles fly around in the air, putting his hand on Noah’s chest to feel him breathe. Slowly trace every single line in his face until he wakes up, blinking, still half asleep. The lazy smile he gives, like he couldn’t be happier, like there was no better place to be than in Kurt’s arms. Kurt liked that.
Sometimes he wakes up in the middle of the night to find Noah shaking. The first few times he hadn’t known what to do, because this thing doesn’t really come with a manual. What do you do when your other half is having a nightmare? Kurt had started to wake him up, soothingly stroke his scalp and whisper nonsense to him as he held him. That was the hardest part, but Kurt wouldn’t wish it away; better this than Noah fighting them on his own.
On rare occasions Noah brings him breakfast in bed. They stretch out and eat it together, and it’s more than often something unhealthy like ice cream or waffles dripping with syrup because Noah’s got a sweet tooth. Kurt always pretends to be reluctant to it because seriously, ice cream for breakfast? But when your boyfriend starts painting patterns with lemon sorbet on your chest and stomach, it’s quite hard to say no.
His Noah is not the tidiest person in the world. Kurt often finds he’s been sleeping with a dirty sock underneath his pillow all night, and sometimes he wakes up lying on the Xbox controller, but it’s all part of it. It’s all part of the magic that is sleeping next to each other every night, not having to worry about parents or falling off the side, not having to try and fit into the same spot all the time. So what if that came with a few bits and pieces that weren’t really supposed to be in the bed (like Mars bars when Noah had the munchies and sometimes Kurt’s black skinny tie, which Noah had discovered a certain fondness of), it didn’t matter. He didn’t need it to be perfect; perfect would be too good.