I worked on this while I waited at the clinic with Lee today, I couldn't let LJ MPreg Day go by without a new little snippet to contribute. This continues my story from the other day,
Holding Back the Shadows.
Just like the other, this too is a present for
Title: Dancing through the Fire
Fandom: Smallville
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Clark/Lex
Summary: You have to make it through the darkness to find the light again…
Martha's footsteps rang in the silence of the room as she walked toward him. It was a testament to how far they'd come in that he didn't jump when she wrapped him in a gentle hug before stepping back.
"How's he doing, sweetie? Any change?"
Lex shook his head, eyes never leaving the chamber holding the two most precious things in his world; Clark and their unborn child.
"No, Martha, Lara says he's stable but still too weak to come out." Martha moved closer, her fingers twining with his as they both stared down at her son. "The pregnancy has stripped him of much of his immunities to Earth toxins. That and the stress of carrying Kon is part of what's been making the nausea so severe. She's devised a type of Dialysis to clean his system; that's why I built this. We're hoping that it'll work."
Lex rubbed his burning eyes with his free hand, the past few months had been rough but they were almost there. Clark was two weeks shy of his ninth month; the earliest that Lara had said Conner could be viable outside of Clark's body.
As much as he loved the thought that they had done something so amazing, created a life together, if they made it through this intact Lex was pretty certain that they'd never try it again. The risks were just too high. He'd almost lost them both more times than he wanted to think about in the last eight and a half months.
He felt the increased pressure where Martha's hand met his, drawing him back out of his thoughts.
He smiled, looking down at her, saw the concern in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Martha, I spaced out on you again, didn't I?"
Martha shook her head, leaning over to place a soft kiss upon his cheek. "Don't apologize, sweetie. I don't even know how you're still on your feet, much less functional. When did you last eat or get any sleep?"
Lex closed his eyes briefly, considering. "I'm not sure, yesterday sometime? Things have been tending to blur together lately."
Martha released his hand, giving him a gentle push away from the observation window. "Then it's past time for you to take a break. Go on, I'll stay here with Clark. I brought you some food, eat it and then I want you to try and get some rest."
"But what if…"
He felt her fingers on his lips, stopping his automatic protest.
"Lex, part of the reason you moved back to Smallville is so I could be closer to help you both. Let me do this. Clark is going to need for you to be strong when Conner gets here. That means taking care of yourself now." Shaking a finger at him she pretended to frown. "Believe me, mister; you don't want me pulling 'mom' rank on you. Clark can tell you how much fun that is just as soon as he wakes up.
Lex smiled, bowing his head slightly. "Martha, I'm no fool, I've seen you face down my father. Besides, Clark's told me enough war stories for me to know when it's time to yield to a superior opponent."
Martha laughed the sound clear and bright, music to his tired soul. "Go on you, I know a snow job when I hear one." Her laughter trailed away as she reached up, her small hand cool against his cheek. "I promise, Lex, if anything at all changes I'll have Lara wake you up."
"I know…" Lex leaned over, his forehead against the translucent panel. "I'll be back soon, Clark. Don't you or Conner go anywhere without me."
At the doorway Lex stopped, turning to watch as Martha settled into her chair, the peace in her voice washing over him as she began to tell Clark about her day. Lex knew in that moment that, as hard as this was he wouldn't trade a single second of it.
Letting someone into your heart was messy, it was terrifying at best. Lex smiled again watching his family. No matter what, it was worth all of the risks. Just look at what you won in the end.