Here's number two of the new pieces I just finished for Escapade. That just leaves the new Sam piece to go. I'll probably post it tomorrow. Hope you like this one. It was fun to do. :)
Title: Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall...
Artist: digitalwave
Fandom: Smallville
Character: Lex
Rating: PG-13
Summary: So, Clark, I was working on my Mensa Crossword earlier and needed a little help. Refresh my memory, please, if you could. All those concussions I've gotten over the years have left me a little hazy. What was that ten letter Kryptonese word again? You know, the one for 'stalker'.
Disclaimer: The character in this artwork remains the property of Warner Brothers, DC Comics and related production companies. None of the pretties belong to me, I'm only borrowing them..