Auf Eis legen Translation

Mar 13, 2012 16:00

From Turnschuhfetisch.

Everything on hold... [lit. everything on ice]
No, not me, [everything] is on hold again due to the impending onset of winter. I am also not planning to put anyone particular on the back burner. But has it attracted your attention all the things that we actually put on hold in our lives? I asked myself that this week while jogging.

Pizza and Relationships
Beginning with the lifesaving frozen pizza and the ice cubes for the cold drinks that we put ON ice, right up to more or less existential things like the breaks of your favorite band or relationships. “Right now it isn’t working. Not for me, not for you. Let’s take a break.”

And what do we have from them then?
You publish communication bands that you don’t observe anyway, read an imminent apocalypse out of every changed Facebook status message and the only thing which in this time is on hold is either you yourself, if you fall down stinking drunk[,] or your social contacts because you really drown in oh so beautiful self-pity.

“To put on ice” also always means to freeze, to conserve, to then be thawed again sometime. That works out very well with pork cutlets. One would have preferred to have seen that with Guns’n’Roses on the expiration date. This year we again await Soundgarden, Refused and At-The-Drive-In. They are all once again defrosted.

Die Ärzte [an extremely famous Berlin punk band with 20 albums]...
…on the other hand have never allowed themselves to be put on hold [to be frozen. This is a pun on aufs Eis legen]. They are only sometimes a little bit moldy, have scraped away the eccentric places and have always made more. Frozen? Not with them. Frozen?? Not with me. Perhaps I also mold somewhat, but I am too on fire for life to be placed in a cooler..

In some things we are all just a little like Die Ärzte.

And that is damned good.

The world is a little less shitty.
We are all already wound up from the new Ärzte-Album. But you could also describe that which has played out in the last weeks and months in the German press, TV and Internet as “high tension” or “over-hype”.

The debut album “Mit K”, which Karl-Marx-Städter KRAFTKLUB was really in the last few weeks the kind of offensive that shuts you up, that you can be skeptical as to what ultimately lies behind it. It is: a very refreshing German-language record with 13 songs between Hives and K.I.Z.

At the least, the best most playful German-language record since “Invasion der Killerpilze”. Undeniably.
They show wise foresight with the line:

=> „Wenn du mich küsst, ist die Welt ein bisschen weniger scheiße.“ [“When you kiss me, the world is a little less shitty.”]

We’re turning into commerce!
A different thing which must be allowed to be placed in open interviews virtually every minute questions and whose day planner extremely full is, because it must advertise itself, is: Turnschuhfetisch.

Unbelievable how the last few days here have turned out. Even now we are growing a little bit to many people [I’m completely confused by the actual line. This is only a guess.]. That makes us very happy. We firstly made a night of it and, out of the savings account, a week. Granted a luxury vacation. Not. We would never do that with your tax money. But we danced to the following song. Spread us and grant us the wealth!

=> Mike Snow - Paddling Out

Style is not a question of clothes
To put it into words once: There are simply people who don’t have any style. We don’t need to argue that. Although arguing about taste cannot as is well known be permitted. However there are simply people who would be better advised if they cut 5 holes in a trash bag and slipped inside there. And now it comes: That is NOT the clothes’ fault.

For me style is a question of embodiment. There are people who could exude such a coolness in Grandpa’s worn out pants, white socks and flip-flops, an undershirt and a hat, that it frightens me [this could also mean it creeps him out]. These people would still have presence in that trash bag.

But there are also people who wear expensive, glittery clothes with too deep necklines, too much make-up and then combine that with rude manners. Uncomfortable mixture. In my eyes. But also in my reactions.

I have a tip for all the women in this world: NEW YORKER is the devil. I truthfully dress myself also badly, but I have never approximately managed in NEW YORKER standards. Just don’t touch it!

That is good for us all. A little decency, some manners. You should be able to expect that from everyone. We really don’t have to emit the elegance of Marlon Brando or Frank Sinatra, but we also don’t have to look like the following people. No.

=> Style-Fail


What surely also belongs to “Style” are books. I don’t know exactly who phrased it, but a wise man once said: “Never sleep with anyone who has fewer than 15 books in his apartment.” Maybe it was Barney from HIMYM [Barney Stinson is a womanizing character from an American show called How I Met Your Mother]. Maybe it was George Clooney. Maybe I simply thought it up myself.

Books are important. They are virtually the door to another world. To a world in which you can unwind, in which you can learn. A world that can make a little philosopher out of anyone. I have a couple books at home. Quite a lot actually and I order new ones continually.

I had a phase where I didn’t touch a book. Where I also had no time. My mother didn’t abandon since the 4. Class. Every year at Christmas, there was a book. It worked. I am completely “into it”. That’s pretty fucking awesome. Biographies, sex advice books. Every that you just need. I’ve got it.

Read, dear people. And if it is only this curious column here. Apart from that just do the following:

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New German Wave for all [Neue Deutsche Welle was a genre based upon punk and New Wave music that began in the 70’s. Few of these bands exist today. The term is currently being used by Aggro Berlin- as in Fler’s “Neue Deutsche Welle”- to describe a sort of new wave of German-language (rap) music. I would guess that Jo means German-language music in general]
The times are good for German music. And that is wonderful. Finally you don’t have to make use of American assembly line chart productions. Unfortunately far too many people still make that. In that regard we have so many great troops. Alone what the last few weeks have pressed upon us. You don’t have so much time to listen, but we by Turnschuhfetisch do it anyway.

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Advice is everything
We all know that the Web 2.0 contains whatever dangers. At the latest since we have witnessed in our friends’ lists (and I try to bet who among you are such people) openly discharged relationship crises, which are hardly surpassed in vicarious embarrassment [Fremdscham has no noun equivalent in English- it means to be embarrassed for someone else, with the someone else being unaware of what s/he has done].

Status after status [the term literally means status message, which is fairly redundant in English] you think to yourself: “WHY IN THE HELL DO YOU DO THAT?” Is nothing holy to you all? You enjoy these moments, however. It is like a video from “Oops-die Pannenshow” [Upps!- Die Pannenshow is a slap-stick home video show similar to America’s Funniest Home Videos]. You know it happened somewhat differently, that it hurt unbelievably, but you MUST watch.

What therefore plays out in little circles on our friends’ lists, that also exist on the big plane. On the completely big. So was seen with the German soccer record champion FC Bayern Munich. They are also really trying now to get really big in the social media business. And that’s been a completely thorough flop these days [the phrase is in die Hose gehen. Jo changed Hose to Lederhose, a type of traditional Bavarian pants].

That was vicarious embarrassment at the Makroebene. Because a friend [he includes the masculine and feminine endings for this, so it applies to both male and female friends; English doesn’t have this distinction] hadn’t posted. No, it was the favorite soccer club. Men (and also women) know what I’m talking about. Shame over the advisor of FC Bayern [a Bundesliga soccer team based in Munich; Fabi’s favorite soccer team]. Never again, please.

=> FCB-Facebook-Fail

From profound Highlights…
Sometimes I run around thus and ask myself whether I don’t think too much about many things. I reflect. I reflect a lot. About me. About you all. About my friends. About all the things that I will cook next. Whether I will cook at all. Whether smoking is unhealthy. Whether sports balances everything out again. Whether I should play more piano again. Or whether I should really learn more about how to play guitar properly.

Profound questions. Superficial questions. But we try them all anyway, to be able to answer them sometime. Will we always be young? Do we also enjoy our lives sufficiently? Or is there still more? What are we really doing? What are we doing wrong? We may very well like to meet to philosophize.

Often there are also moments that one forgets your questions for 2 minutes. It’s not easy being green. It’s no [sic] easy being Jo Halbig. It’s not easy being Max Mustermann or Claudia Müller or Veronika Schlagmichtot. It’s not easy being YOU. None of us have it easy. But I believe therefore, we make it all damned well. And look sexy doing it.

=> It's not easy beeing green

With this in mind, I hope you all all have another great week! Don’t think too much about it. Just do it! Look us up at: or

Don’t we have as of this week a lot still left to laugh about?

Make a good recovery! Until next week.

Your Jo
PS: I can’t eat ice cream in the wintertime.

"But there are also people who wear expensive, glittery clothes with too deep necklines, too much make-up" I- Jo, do you know what irony is? Because you have embodied it perfectly. Oh, well, maybe you're embarassed about your past. Personally, I liked it.

fandom: killerpilze, translation

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