Thoughts on Killerpilze (you are welcome to make fun of my obtuseness if any of this seems exceedingly obvious to you):
Schlagi Butthurt
Benni has his own band. It’s called
Noise of Minority (turn your speakers way down before clicking that), and he plays with them when he’s not touring with KiPi. So there goes 90% of the butthurt over Schlagi idea of why Benni’s not considered an official part of the band. He really is just a tour bassist. He doesn’t have stuff on the side because KiPi is the stuff on the side. There’s definitely a great camaraderie between the Jungs and, as evidenced by
recent videos, they include him in non-official band stuff.
This doesn’t mean there’s no Schlagi butthurt because I highly doubt Jo Halbig is going to completely ignore what Schlagi did, but- it’s not as extensive as it would seem.
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…has a weird-ass relationship with his brother. That is all I have to say on that.
Well, that and he has Mäx’s affinity for letting his butt hang out:
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Mäx is a terrible actor:
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Does anyone else believe Fabi as Kai to be nine million times smarter than Fabi as Fabi? God, it’s just the way he talks. I don’t even understand how this is possible. He’s portraying a younger kid, and yet he sounds like so much less of an idiot. Fabi’s adorkable but, Jesus Christ, boy, work on your speaking skills.
Is plural. I have no idea how I keep missing this since Pilze is the plural of Pilz, but I do, all the time. I could not for the life of me figure out why Jo was calling himself Jo Killerpilz. I just thought he was being exceedingly dumb and leaving off the ‘e’. Yeah, no. Each one is a Killerpilz, and together they are Killerpilze. This is a great revelation. I know, I’m so smart.
So, yeah, those are my thoughts. Also, I refuse to believe that Jan Werner and Fabi aren’t still friends. They were too adorable in Russia not to be.