Apr 30, 2007 06:44
8 hours, thirty five minutes, all chemistry, nothing but chemistry, no breaks longer than five minutes, I know most/all of what I need to though, so hurrah for that. And to all you MSU'rs state is beautiful at six am.
Apr 08, 2007 13:12
I have seen the others
and I have discovered
this fight is not worth fighting for
go now, you are forgiven.
Apr 04, 2007 19:16
I was out hunting the manimal today, and pink floyds clocks scared the hell out of me.
That is all.
Mar 06, 2007 08:49
Would it be wierd if I joined the peace corps after I graduate college?
Feb 28, 2007 10:32
So, i'm not coming home for spring beak, feel free to visit me at state.
Feb 06, 2007 20:10
I love the way weatherbug describes the weather "bitterly cold".