Title: Made of Steel
digthewriterPairing: Neville/Charlie
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: AU
Challenge: Prompt 281: Listen for
NEVILLE100A/N: I wanted to continue this story so I went back to old promts and found one that works. This is PART FIVE of the series. Read
PART FOUR Neville was a lot of things but a pushover. The stern look tended to work with his students, so he wanted to see if it'd work on Charlie, too. He waited patiently to listen.
Charlie just stood there and they stared at each other for a long time.
"I haven't been with anyone in a long time," Charlie said, finally. "One-off or otherwise."
Neville narrowed his eyebrows. There was more, he could feel it. This was a trick McGonagall had taught him. Just act like you're made of steel, and eventually you'll start to feel like it, too.
read the next part