Title: A purr and a crawl
digthewriterRating: R/NC-17
Word Count: 100
slythindor100 | 25 DAYS OF DRARRY Traditional Prompt 15
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
A/N: Unbetaed.
Harry lay on his floor bed, body nestled close to the tatami mats when a soft, purring sound awoke him. He looked towards the sound to find Draco, completely naked, on all fours, crawling with a gift in his mouth.
Draco was already hard. It didn't take Harry long to be the same.
"A present for me?" Harry asked in a sultry tone, voice shifting unpredictably.
Draco made a purring sound again, climbing on top of Harry. Harry grabbed the gift by biting its edge, playfully pulling it away from Draco.
"It's the other gift I'm interested in right now."