Ashley Tisdale Tuorial in 6 Steps !!!
Made with Photoshop CS 2
From this
to this -->
1. Duplicate Backgroundcolor and set it to screen 70%
2. New Selective Color Layer
Reds: -75; 0; +59; +14
Yellows: -14; 0; -31; -25
Neutrals: +20; 0; -11; +7
Blacks:0; 0; 0; +14
3. New Curves Layer
first point: 255/255;
second point: 220/226
third point: 100 /133
Forth point: 70/83
fiveth point: 43/26
sixth point: 0/0
first point: 255/255;
second point: 225/209
third point: 173/185
Forth point: 124/135
fiveth point: 58/56
sixth point: 0/0
first point: 255/255;
second point: 205/219
third point: 134/150
Forth point: 83/99
fiveth point: 44/55
sixth point: 0/0
4. New Brightness/Contrast Layer
B: -15
C: 0
5: New Selective Color Layer
Reds:-10; 0; +5; +8
Yellwos: -31; 0; +12; -7
Whites: +45; 0; -83; +19
Neutrals: +18; 0; -3; -10
6: New Solidcolor Layer
#000505 on Luminosity 6%
And you are done!!!
Other Icons with this tutorial:
I've made a new Icon. here the tesult:
PSD File included
PSD File