omg! i havent updated in so0o long!! i think ima get back to doin it every night or at LEAST every other night! well n e ways, quick update
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l0l hey u!! 0MG i havent updated in so0o l0ng!! i havent been 0nline since.. 0mg b4 sch00l started! l0l its been crazy! so0o busy with everything.. just a few maj0r updates th0
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HeY BaaaBaaY!l0l hey.. yeah i kn0 n0 update last night... gawd i g0tta stay 0n t0p 0f this ish! lma0 but i was so0o tired and i had practice this m0rnin at 8 s0 i had t0 sleep! l0l but yeah guess wat i did yesterday?! CaRNiVaL!! lma0 YEAHHH wat else is new? lma0 well the carnivals g0ne s0 where will every1 b t0m0rr0w? :::PaRK?!::: lma0 YEAHHH
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Best(girl): well my very best are breezy, paige, prissy, sarah, and kim.. but then theres always c0x [which NEVER c0mes 0ut, and there WAS marissa but w00 kn0es where the eFF shes been
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hey u.. s0wie i didnt update last night.. i was s0 fricken 0ut 0f it.. yeaahhh an0ther night at jerry's.. l0l so0o yeah yesterday was fun as hell... kim g0t realli bad im happie shes feelin better.. and 0mg.. the highlight 0f MY night, DAN KISSED BRY!!! aahhh 0mg i was s0 happie! l0l that was the cutest thing in the w0rld!l0l s0 yeah i was g0nna
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hey u.. well t0day was 0kay... i had t0 wake up so0o fricken early! i w0ke up at like 8, and i had t0 b at the d0ct0r by 9 30.. but 0mg my d0ct0r kept askin me the m0st funniest questi0ns! l0l first, she asked if i liked *b0ys* 0R *GiRLS!* lma0 and i alm0st died right there! l0l then all this 0ther ish that she was saying.. but then i g0t my *eeek
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hey u.. well t0day was 0kay.. i had t0 g0 t0 stupid rebel pledge night 0r watever.. that was eehh... but watever. i went t0 that and then i called paige and sarah said we're g0in t0 jerry's h0use.. s0 i met up wit them then we wen t0 jerry's h0use... i missed all 0f them s0 much its nawt even funnie! lma0 but yeah i thnk we all had fun at jerry's {
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hey u! 0mg big sh0ut 0ut t0 b0jan thanx s0 much f0r d0ing this f0r me!! i luv u s0 much! well n0w that this is finally w0rking i can update! well yesterday was fun... it started raining when we were at brian's,s0 we c0uldnt g0 t0 the park. then it wasnt raingin as bad, s0 we were g0ing t0 meet up with the gurls (me matt and paige were) and me and
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