Programme: Paint Shop Pro.
Translatable: Yes.
Includes: Colour Balnce, Brightness & Contrast.
First open the image you want to use. Edit the size and style if you wish. I'm using this one:
Duplicate your base and set the blend mode to screen at 100%. Desature this layer (Ajust »
Hue & Saturation » Hue/Saturation/Lightness and change the Saturation to -100).
Create a new raster layer and fill with the colour #0B0E4B. Set the blend mode to Exclusion at 68%.
Now go to, Layers » New Layer Adjustment » Colour Balance and change your settings to how I
have mine;
And to finish off go to, Ajust » New Layer Adjustment » Brightness/Contrast and change your
settings to how I have mine. (You may need to adjust them, depending on the brightness/darkness of your
You are now done, here is how mine has turned out:
Lemme know what you think and show me what you made :)