Title: Ooku (Epilogue)
Author: dila1993
Genre: Ancient
Pairing: Ohmiya
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I hope they’re my collection.. And unfortunately not.
Summary: If I have a chance to be born again, I hope fate won’t make fun of us again
Yah, I’m backkkk.. I’m back with an epilogue for my short fic ‘Ooku’. I make it for you all that request an epilogue (
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Comments 11
Wuuuuaaaahh... is it real? This is real right? (≧∇≦)
Finally, they can meet again in the next life after being apart of death. Finally they can keep their promises in this life. Finally... (><。)
They never broke their promises each other. Still loving and protecting each other. Even after so many things happend between them. Oh my god... oh my, my...
Somehow my tears already down here. (ノд・。)
Finally, right,, Oh-chan fulfill his promise to Nino to love him again in their next life,,
I really glad that you like it,
I'm not really confidence in writing after a long hiatus,, hehehe
owh, please help your self Yumi-san,, #giveabagfulloftissues
Thanks for following this :)
Thank you, #takeabagfulloftissuesfromyou. Ah, yes... this is really real. I wonder if it is a just dream. But seriously, this is the real one. ( ^ - ^ )
After long hiatus, you are really doing great with this epilogue. And of course I really really like it. (≧∇≦)
Your welcome :)
I was reading it well until I got to the part where there is letter/poem? , I got embarrassed reading it. I flash read through it. Idk why but it's kinda embarrassing to me. Like I'm watching something too corny-like, that kind of feeling.
I prefer the end at Together with my dear Ohchan.. WELL.. Personally. I think others might be different.
But anyway good job!
If you are writing on Ohmiya again, I will drop by so until next time Dilla-san! ^ ^/
Hahaha, I'm sorry for writing that corny stuff, I feel it'll be lacking for link in the past so I make it just like that.
It's okay if you skip it, everyone have their preference after all
Thank you for dropping by, Hikari-san ^_^..
Thank you my dear!
Ohmiya forever
My Ohmiya heart is cying out loud because of that,
Yeah, they're free to love each other from now on
Hahaha, Jun is definitely won't lose to Nino on Oh-chan,
Thanks for dropping by dear,,
OHMIYA forever!!! :)
You're welcome, I feel a bit reluctant to finish it, but my Ohmiya heart forbid me to do so, and here I'm stopping you from dying,, ^_^
Oh, take this with you #grababagoftissues and #wipingowntears,,
I'll do my best to write more,
Let's be friend, I love having a same interest friends
I can be such a chatter box about our dearest Arashi,,
Heh? You want to write some?
I want to collab with you..
It'll be fun :)
I though to visualize Oh-chan dream about his desire to meet Nino as a normal fisherman but I don't seem to have idea to continue it so I came with idea in their debut time,
They're plenty of stuff that I can confey in that time, after all their love blooming about that time, right?
Yup, I make the scene almost the same with Shoko (this time Sho) and Jun who love Nino and Oh-chan,
It'll be always Ohmiya, they're made for together, right??
Thanks for dropping by, dear :)
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