Well, I appreciate his concern for me, at the very least. I suppose the same thing could happen to me..it is something to be wary of. Especially getting offed like that one Sikh dude did after 9/11. That was just retarded, the Sikhs are about as nonviolent and unobtrusive as you can get--heck, if I remember my history right, they've been oppressed by Muslims a few times in their history as well.
That said, though, the thing with Jose Padilla is that he was actually a Muslim convert. If I ever get incarcerated, hell, I can just point my captors to my freakin' LJ as proof I'm not Muslim--I've ranted about Arabic and referred to people as ~*Mooslimz*~ enough times to convince anybody I'm a harder-core Christian than Pat Buchanan. XD
Comments 2
That said, though, the thing with Jose Padilla is that he was actually a Muslim convert. If I ever get incarcerated, hell, I can just point my captors to my freakin' LJ as proof I'm not Muslim--I've ranted about Arabic and referred to people as ~*Mooslimz*~ enough times to convince anybody I'm a harder-core Christian than Pat Buchanan. XD
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