a number of my friends seem to be staunch anti-libertarians, and that sometimes confuses me. i think i just read the wrong articles, because
this (titled as above) is what i think of as a classic libertarian position. (i think even the rabid ayn rand fans have been known to beat this drum, and they have a lot less that can usually be said to
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Comments 27
. it attempts to protect food stamps, a libertarian punching bag
. it is about farm subsidies, and few self-identified libertarians know anything about corporate farming, even that it exists -- they see everything in terms of the individual, whereas those "farmers" are generally more or less ceo's.
i'm totally with you on the wish about corporate welfare. but few libertarians even know that phrase; that's pure liberalese.
my observation -- hardly original -- is simply looking at the things they complain about vs where the money actually goes. they whine about food stamps while doling out an order of magnitude(?) more money to farmers, much of which does go to big ag, who hardly needs it. they complain about the weather service while turning a blind eye to the military. usw.
both contradictions are in fact good populist opinions, since most people are innumerate... and while not necessarily ignorant, are not particularly interested in finding out what things cost (or what the weather service does vs what private industry could reproduce at a profit, &c).
I half-heard an article on NPR about how surprisingly (to me) large the food stamp program is. I don't remember the number so I went looking.
SNAP: $111.6B
USDA's 2013 Budget Summary and Annual Performance Plan shows that 72% of its $155B outlay was for nutrition assistance.
Yup - that's large.
Farm Support: $15.8B plus more
This is trickier because there are multiple programs including crop insurance and commodity support. One number I could find from a reliable source, in the time I have right now:
$15.8B - 2012 crop insurance from Environmental Working Group
EWG says that 10% of farms collect 75% of farm support.
Maybe someone could help fill in the blanks?
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