Gaah..i cant watch merlin on tv3 next week!! but nvm there's always the internet and the Hallmark channel =P
being a fantasy movie/series lover, Merlin really catches my eyes..^^ (though my sis the one who persuade me to watch this )
nway i think by watchin Merlin kinda reminds me of the novel that im currently reading (The Awakened Mage - Kingmaker
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Comments 4
wei.. tau x camne nak post icons?
eleh ckp org..die pon kekadang change to fangirl org x tau hehe
nak post icon katne? x tau r coz kite x pnah experimenting wat icon lagi lol XD nak tuka layout ni pon x tau haha
ehhh kt fangirl-ing certain time je eh huhu.. waa nak kene gi class dah.. hurm
oo ke ko pon x tau eh.. huhu ssh gak eh nakgune livejournal ni..
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