- RAWR, Cas. I mean, damn. Likin it.
- Argh, Bobby. But he's only saying what, well, anyone would.
- One part age, three parts liquor. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
- YAY, old fashioned case. Helloooo, Pilot epi.
- ... and Sam starts picking.
- AHAHAHA, charming, puppydog!Sam's back.
- DEAN LUFFS SAM'S INDIGNATION (slipping, slipping, Sam's ON TO YOU, DEAN)
- Love the old SPN vibes so far *sigh*
- well, good. She was a terrible actress.
- COMMERCIAL BREAK - I noticed two (RL) things: creepy fog is creepy (the way it rolls in and spreads so you can't see anything, ugh); and TWO: YAY PIXIE'S EATING RABBIT (this is def. celebration worthy, guys)! the end
- oooo, stitches. Dammit, why isn't she gone? OH YEAH, PLOT ADVANCEMENT.
- because she's not a VIRGIN, anymore, ahahahaha. POINT, dime!
- WoW. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD HERE BE DRAGONS. I love how incredulous they get. OH RLY. DRAGONS.
- Bobby, ILU, YOU'RE AN ASS. Just because Dean's your favorite. (like how I switch sides at the drop of a hat? it's a gift).
- why aren't they better at lying to each other by now?
- He broke her arm and not even a cut off shriek? really?
- COMMERCIAL BREAK. (RL) Going shopping this weekend. WORK CLOTHES, ahahaha, SO MUCH FUN. Shirts, and pants, and SHOES. Her hair looks atrocious, if I were in her salon, I'd be running far, far away from her :\ the end.
- I saw that, Dean! Ogling the *pretentious voice* good doctor.
- ahahahahahahahaha, that's Dean's Eye of the Tiger face! ahahahahahahahahaha christ, he's hilarious. I <3 JA's comic timing
- Sam and Bobby. Uh oh.
- Sam and Cas. Talking about hugging, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Dammit, Cas, oh ... you fell for that. *pets the special snowflake*
- God, no he doesn't. Everytime Dean says that, bad things happen. Or that. Christchex. AHAHAHAHAHA, SEE? Explosive + mythical rare sword = HORRIBLESTUPID IDEA.
- COMMERCIAL BREAK. (RL) Did more assessments today (and retested one area where I botched it up BAD two weeks ago). Went well, got it checked by the SP herself, and had a nice, long chat one on one with her. She's ... reading me (I know it, I can see it, and see intent, I just can't - for the life of me - figure out what it IS and it's irritating me to no end) the end.
- Sam, tsktsk. And Dean's stealing dragon-gold. Yay, that's not gonna come back to bite them in the ass.
- ... aaand, two seconds into the fight Dean loses the broken sword. Nice. GO SAM \o/.
- COMMERCIAL BREAK. I SEE WAT YER DOIN THAR >:C Oh, look, Florence + the Machine on ... Gossip Girl? OTH? ... I've already forgotten. That has to be some kind of record, jeebus. Daniel L. Crandell is one weird looking dude. Oh man oh man oh man. the end.
- Two commercial breaks. Sam lasted TWO COMMERCIAL BREAKS *headdesk*
- earnest!Sam is so cute. Although he tends to make things worse. Like, 100% of the time.
- human skin. That's ... not unexpected.
- MONSTERLAND. Purgatory ...
- ahahaha, OH THEY DID.
- Motherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
- ... and there she is. HANDY DANDY VIRGINS.
- We. Have. So. Much. To. Do.