Title: Look Up, the Sky is Beautiful Author: May (may_flyer) Recipient: Maaya (chaineddove) Series: XXXHolic Characters/Pairing: Kohane, Granny Rating: G
Oh, my prompts are always very vague guidelines. Honestly, I don't care if you even use any of them; they're just there to stimulate imagination. Anyway, a few of them made it in ♥
I really love Kohane, and I was so excited to see this fic! Yuuko and Watanuki are nice and all, but I prefer minor characters, myself.
I really hope you stick around and do more rounds with us! I'd love to see more of your lovely fic ♥
That's a relief. XD "Whispers on the wind" was the prompt I initially chose to work with, but the story kind of mutated from there.
I usually prefer to write secondary and tertiary characters over the leads. Since they're less fleshed out in canon, I feel like there's more room to make things up as I please explore their personalities and backgrounds on my own.
Anyway, I'm flattered you'd ask me back! I guess we'll have to see what the theme is for the fifth round. I definitely had a lot of fun writing for this one. :)
Haha. I did a good bit of research on old European oracles and "magical" practices back when I was in college, so I had to restrain myself from getting overly detailed with Granny's little talk. I'm relieved that it edited down well.
Thanks for the feedback! This is my first time writing XXXHolic fic, so it's good to hear that people enjoyed it. :)
Comments 12
Thank you SO much. This is lovely!
Thanks for giving me the option to write such a great character. <3
I really love Kohane, and I was so excited to see this fic! Yuuko and Watanuki are nice and all, but I prefer minor characters, myself.
I really hope you stick around and do more rounds with us! I'd love to see more of your lovely fic ♥
I usually prefer to write secondary and tertiary characters over the leads. Since they're less fleshed out in canon, I feel like there's more room to make things up as I please explore their personalities and backgrounds on my own.
Anyway, I'm flattered you'd ask me back! I guess we'll have to see what the theme is for the fifth round. I definitely had a lot of fun writing for this one. :)
Lovely imagery. It's also refreshing to find a xxxHolic fic that isn't focussed on Yuuko or Watanuki (not that we don't love them!)
I was really happy when I got Kohane as one of my challenge options. She's so adorably precocious; she definitely needs more fandom love.
The ending is perfect.
Thanks for the feedback! This is my first time writing XXXHolic fic, so it's good to hear that people enjoyed it. :)
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