Yeah. I was checking my LJ in class and suddenly there were naked women on the screen. Nearly got me into a lot of trouble. Good thing I wasn't in the library. I would have gotten kicked out. Nice pics otherwise though.
I am sorry about that I don't know to much about LJ. I am still not sure how I put a cut in my entries. I didn't mean to offend or get anyone into trouble. I am glad that no one caught you. Anyways as soon as I figure out how to do that cut thin I will.
It allows you to hide long posts, or slow loading graphics behind it and gives your readers the option of passing it over if they want to, much like this example does.
When you write a post, underneath the box where you type will be a link that says "rich text" mode. Click on that and many formatting options will appear. The 13th button above the text box will look like this: (...). That is the "Add LJ Cut" button. It will ask you for a label, which you put in a description of what is behind the cut that people will click on to see the rest of the post. After the label is entered, a bit of text will appear: < l j-c u t t e x t="example" >. (I spaced this out so it would actually show up, otherwise the markup language would not be visible). Hit enter twice and start typing away or use the "Add Image" button, which is the 11th button above the text window. Be sure to hit enter a couple of times between each image so they don't stack up in some weird fashion.
Oh my bad i thought I had replied to this! I am sorry that I haven't had the time to make the pics smaller. I will do asap! Thanks for the help. I hope you had an awesome Yule and a kik azz New Years!
Comments 13
Clear as mud, yes? ;-)
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