all of the neighbors decided it's time, to have all our strangers over and make friends. chris got

Aug 23, 2005 17:47

Had to spend extra time at off-campus today. I'm so exhausted. I fell asleep in one of my classes today. I forget which.

There's nothing at all exciting in my life right now but I don't really mind. We're only five school days into the semester. It feels like months. For the first time in a long time, I feel like a cigarette.

I have to read The ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

napoleonofnerds August 24 2005, 20:49:38 UTC
Why do you have to read the Iliad? I mean, it's fine enough I guess, but if you've been taking Latin for any length of time shouldn't you know the story well enough to do the Anead, as I assume you are?

Not that the Iliad is bad. Just that I've started on translating the Anead, and last read the Iliad in about 7th grade.

Where are you going to school?


din_din_dote August 25 2005, 01:07:18 UTC
We're doing the Aeneid, yes, and we know the story. But... I don't know, our teacher wants us to read it. /shrug

My local high school... and if you mean for college, I don't know.


napoleonofnerds August 25 2005, 01:16:52 UTC
I didn't mean for college, I mean why in the name of all that is holy are you in classes already?


din_din_dote August 25 2005, 20:28:30 UTC
we start school early down here. august 16th. i'm pretty sure we've always started around this time.


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