Made with Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0.
Level: Easy
As requested from
sugah66 (long time ago *blush*)
1. Crop your image. Duplicate your base twice. Set the first one to Screen 100 % and sharpen it.
Desaturate the second duplicate and go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur 1.0 px. Drag it to top and set it then to Overlay 100 %. Duplicate the "Motion Blur" layer and drag it to top.
2. Add a new layer. Fill it with #c1ad83 and set it to Overlay 100 %.
3. Add a new layer. Fill it with #bee0f5 and set it to Soft Light 80 %.
4. Add a new layer. Fill it with #000d53 and set it to Exclusion 40 %.
5. Add another new layer and fill it with #b5d3ed. Set it to Color Burn 20 %.
6. Add another new layer. Fill this one with #000d53 and set to Overlay 20 %.
7. Go to Adjust > Brightness/Contrast. Then set Brightness to +10, Contrast to +10.
8. Add this texture
and set it to Screen 60 %.
9. Add a new layer. Fill it with #021c36 and set it to Soft Light 60 %. Erase the fill layer everywhere but where Lindsay is.
10. Add some brushes on your icon like this
and you're done.
Pretty simple, huh?!
I would love to see what you come up with. :)