I was so good to her. She'll never understand. She still wants to fool around with boys but doesn't want me to know. Basically; she wants her cake and wants to eat it too. I'm sick of it and I won't be talking to her anymore. It's sad because I love her so much. It's what needs to be done.
To start off, don't put your hoodie on backwards, turn on a robot that starts a circle pit, put on a helmet, and then try to fight someone. I ran into a door and shit. SUUUuUuUuUuUCKED
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I just want to start off this post with, you guys took that last one too seriously. I was just fucking around. I guess you didn't get it. Oh well. Hahha
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So this afternoon Rose decided to break up with me because i'm too much of a burden. That's right, i'm a horrible person because I loved her, wanted to talk to her, and always wanted to see her. Shame on me
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