yo, have you SEEN my deadjournal? boys boys boys!! i love boys, i love hearing about boys. especially from you, miss juli. whatever comes out of that head of yours is gold, SOLID GOLD!!
Not so much a bore in my eyes. I read your entries and wish I knew you in person so I could call you up and say, "Hey, let's get some coffee and bitch about how similar and sucky our situations are!"
yes! I think we both have similar sucky situations and I have always wanted to ge to know you! man, thats why i ahte livejournal. it gets all the cool people in one place, but soooo far apart.
Comments 8
Keep writing about interesting and amazing things. I have eaten my fill of coconut mexican candies for one day.
It is nice to meet you.
I can't believe that you could eat all that mexican flag colored candy!! I can only handle about 10 a day, too much red dye!!
also, i find that reading anything about anyones life is incredibly interesting, its like a portal into someones mind, and i like that.
I like to use my paper journal to vent out emotions and stuff.
I love your deadjournal, but man I am a bore!
Sigh. Boys.
And girls aren't much better, either. Lame.
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