name; Natalie
age and birthday;I am at the horrible age of fifteen.My birthday is Novemeber 3rd,1990.
location;Niagara Falls.
sexuality/status/pics.?;I'm straight & single.
explain your username;I hate my username, my friend Rachel made it. I'm not very fond of it, but it will have to do. I'm not one of those girls who's like "OMGZZZ I LUV SK8ERBOIS."
Who recommened you.?Nobody did.
animal;Elephants. They fasicinate me.
7+ bands;/artists This is really tough. I love music. I would have to say my favorites are: Anberlin, Hellogoodbye, Brand new, The Honorary title,Gregory& the Hawk,Bright Eyes, & Kanye West.
5+ songs;
1. Hellogoodbye - Dear Jamie.
2.Le tigre - Nanny Nanny Boo Boo.
3.Plain White T's - Hey there Delilah.
4.Katy Rose - Overdrive.
5.The spill Canvas - Break a Leg.
5+ movies; TOY STORY,How to deal,Alice in Wonderland,Night at the Roxbury,& Sixteen candles.
5+ television shows;Television Rots your teeth.
5+ books;The perks of being a wallflower, speak, what my mother doeasn't know, sloppy firsts, second helpings.
actor[s];TRENT FORD.
actress[s];Mandy Moore.
board game;Scattegories.
shoes;I love shoes, but my vans are my life. I mean, I wear them every wear and they are comfortable. Plus they just slide on.
What do you think of the mods [app. links in info page].?I think they are very usefull.
vegetarian/vegan.? how long.?I was a vegan for about 4 months, and I couldn't take it, so I just became a vegitarian. I hate the fact thats poor animals are getting killed. And it's your decision on wether or not you would like to be it. It is very hard, but if you're that dedicated, then good luck. I really think its important to at least not to eat red meat.
Abortion;Abortion. Hmm... I HATE it. I think it is the most terrible thing ever. But I would understand if you had got raped at a young age, and your body couldn't handle a pregnancy. But, if you have sex and it's your fault, then it's YOUR responseibility to either take care of the baby or give it up fro adoption.
Drinking age being lowered to eighteen;I'm straightedge, so I think that is a very bad choice. I don't want to add those things to my body, but maybe it would be better. And I'm saying this because maybe then, teens wouldn't be illegally drinking[not that this wouldn't stop them] and maybe things would straighten up. It's hard to understand and to explain, but if you saw it my way you'd understand.
Self-injury; [if you injuried yourself, keep it to yourself]I think there is no point. What is it doing for you? For heaven sake, go see a therapist, don't cut yourself. [but if you do, I totally support that]I mean, why do you want to hurt yourself? I never really understood. Maybe if I did it I would, but I'm not going too. So I guess I wont know.
eating disorders;I was bulimic.And it was the worst experience ever. I dis-like eating disorders a lot. I as put in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks on a feeding tube. But you should ALWAYS feel comfortable in your own skin, and if you don't then find a healthy diet. Don't do anything stupid.
poseur;Someone who is trying to be somthing there not. Being fake, to look good.
love;I wish I could describe it.
addiction;When you can't stop something.
promote in atleast three places and give us the'284ujd &
Put a button on your userinfo page and provide the link. [button in info page];
draw us something on paint/PS;
200x200 picture of yourself for the members list.I don't have any pictures on my computer here, so here's my myspace link:
3+ clear pictures;go up.
2+ pictures with friends;I don't have any yet,my camera is broken, I'm very sorry.