It's a little late, but welcome
didgeridoodle to my flist! No contact/intro post though, I'm far too lazy to create one.
- Got a new layout! captain obvious The previous one had a comment box that was kinda eye straining, so I replaced it. Got some new icons too, is deciding whether or not to get a new moodtheme as well. even though I never use them
- SCHOOL IS STARTING ON JUNE 8TH UGH I HOPE IT GETS MOVED TO THE 15TH /cries Hopefully the new principal will be better than the previous one
- Is anyone familiar with Utattemita? Can anyone recommend a Utattemita song because that and Vocaloid is all I listen to recently?
- Wasting time playing Google!Pacman.
And because no post of mine is complete without a meme
battlelustComment saying "I WISH OUR HEARTS COULD COME TOGETHER AS ONE" and I will tell you the following:
1. Something random about you.
2. Which color you remind me of.
3. My first memory of you.
4. What random character I associate with you.
5. My favorite thing about you.
6. What fandom I associate with you.
7. Challenge you to post this on your journal.