you guys played really, really well :D i was in the queue for the guestlist and every head in the place turned towards the stage when you roared your way into the first song. no worries about not saying hi, i knew half the audience at one point in the day so was quite happy chatting and dancing! glad the slattery's gig was such a success, i figured it'd be jammed but i got stuck at a party up in the mountains for the night. dunno how bad the shots are as i had to shoot b&w film 'cause i didn't have time to buy more AND get there before you went on, but i'll get it developed in the next few days and email whatever i get to vanessa. thanks a million for the last minute pass and best of luck with the following weeks! hehe at this rate you'll be playing the point by christmas ;)
Cheers Aisling, I really bloody enjoyed it and looking forward to seeing the photos. Don't worry about Slattery's, you did well to make it down with such short notice to Marlay Park!
Really looking foward to seeing your photos and finally got to meet your mates the Rags. Had a beer with Danny backstage. They're a great bunch of lads as well.
You never know I wouldn't mind playing the point by Christmas alright!
p.s. HOW GOOD WERE THE CHEMICAL BROTHERS?!!? i spent the whole day claiming "i'm going to the ballroom after sonic youth" 'cause a couple of local bands i really like were playing but as soon as the lasers came down and hey boy, hey girl kicked in i went as mental as carrying 2 grand's worth of gear allowed :p fucking deadly they were.
The Chems were brilliant. I saw them 2 years ago at oxegen and knew they would be a great live show in Marlay. I was well lit by the start of their set. They're really sound guys to speak with as well.
Dinzi, firstly congrats on getting the Chem Bros gig - I knew you would hehe. Secondly I have come to harrass you cos I read Graham's latest entry and like me he is listening to staring stars down. I've come to the realisation however that 2 songs is not nearly enough to feed my musical appetite so I am here to tell you to get a CD out now!!! I need more Beat Poets!!!! I am rocking out to Staring Stars Down as I type. God damn it is a hot track - if only we could get it on Aussie radio nationally.... hmmmm *sets to work on getting radio play*
Thanks, Thanks again and another thanks!! I am glad you really love the tracks. We are planning to go into to record stuff asap. Scary thing is we have that much material we rate that we don't know what to throw out next!! But when it's done, you'll be the first person in the Southern Hemisphere to know. If you can get the track national airplay in Austrialia I would be absolutely chuffed!!!!!
Comments 10
heehee. great job guys!
Really looking foward to seeing your photos and finally got to meet your mates the Rags. Had a beer with Danny backstage. They're a great bunch of lads as well.
You never know I wouldn't mind playing the point by Christmas alright!
Secondly I have come to harrass you cos I read Graham's latest entry and like me he is listening to staring stars down. I've come to the realisation however that 2 songs is not nearly enough to feed my musical appetite so I am here to tell you to get a CD out now!!! I need more Beat Poets!!!!
I am rocking out to Staring Stars Down as I type. God damn it is a hot track - if only we could get it on Aussie radio nationally.... hmmmm *sets to work on getting radio play*
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