I am: slouched on couch
I love: photography, my life, friends, puzzles, games, challenges...all the good stuff
I hate: hate is such a strong word... can we just say that I have an extremely low tolerance for repeatedly demonstrated incompetence?
I fear: zealots taking over
I hope: that I get to go to Friday's class
I hear: The whirring of fans
I crave: not a whole lot right now
I regret: nothing. Regret is guilt. Guilt is all about things you cannot change
I cry: not too much anymore. I've had my moments; anyone that tells you differently is probably lying--too you or themselves
I care: I really do
I always: do different things. Habits are so inflexible
I believe: belief is unnecessary
I feel alone: only occasionally
I listen: and sometimes even try to understand
I hide: chocolate
I drive: a Nissan Altima
I sing: more often than most can appreciate
I write: more these days
I run: I don't run; Brian won't let me!
I miss: recess
I learn: pretty quick
I feel: paralyzed?
I know: lots of useless but interesting things
I say: old chap
I succeed: often enough to make it worth the effort
I dream: of odd things lately...
I wonder: why you're reading this
I want: an extra 20 pounds or so?
I have: great friends and family
I give: pedal dog runnings?
I recieve: a strong feeling that this survey was writting by a 4th grader
I fight: no...I negotiate
I need: eh...some extra cash wouldn't hurt
name; James
age; 28
birth date: December 24, 1975
sign; capricorn ... baaaaaah
eyes: my eyes multitask
hair: brown
pets: 2 cats, no fruit flies
bf/gf nope...odds are this survey won't be helping my social life, but since I can hardly stand at the moment, might as well do something, right?
'' favorites ''
bandz: nah...songs, not bands
music genre: rock, classical, jazz, metal, oddly enough even been listening to rap and pop just for something different
crayon: purple
cereal: yes
jolly rancher flavor: watermelon
color m & m: I don't discriminate
hangout: work doesn't count, does it?
day: Saturday?
month: March is pretty good
season: Monsoon
shoes: Birkenstocks
restaurants: So much food, so little time!
cars: Altima, Viper, Corvette
kitchen appliance: I could use an espresso machine
color of lava lamp: red?
person to talk to online: Shade usually... Ash except apparently she doesn't talk to me anymore ;-)
person to talk to on the phone: not much of a phone person really... Jeri sometimes but usually only when I'm in another city drunk ;-)
memories: all alone in the moonlight?
|this or that|
boxers or briefs? boxers (just make sure they're comfy)
plaid or striped? striped
alt or rap? alt
ska or punk? punk
classical or country? classical
salt or pepper? PEPPER!!!! LOTS AND LOTS OF PEPPER!!!! (only a few may get that)
coke or pepsi? I quit drinking it, but Pepsi
dr. pepper or mr. pibb? Dr. Pepper.. quit that too
Sprite or 7-up? eh
skittles-original, tropical, or wildberry? tropical
m & m's-regular, peanut, peanut-butter, or almond? regular
bleh or blah? blah
okay, ok, or o.k.? a'ight
shake or stir? stir is usually fine...except for those protein shakes
bright colors or dark colors: dark
snap, crackle, or pop? pop
half-empty or half-full: depends on where we started now doesn't it?
sunshine or rain? rain is good...but only because we only see about half an inch of it a year
sun or moon? moon
silver or gold? gold
frogs or toads? amphibians
:: short answer ::
left handed or right handed? left
are you smart? yeh
whats your middle name? Robert
how many personalities do you have? according to my DISC profile, 3
how many piercings do you have? 0... used to have one
tattoos? none
what was your first word? probably something like "relativity" or something
do you read your horoscope? not often
do you believe in that stuff? if I have to "believe" in it, what are the odds it's true?
can you do a cartwheel? is this like that question about the sound in the forest that no one can hear?
can you drive? better than most...just a personal opinion
do you keep a journal? this qualifies as what again?
what languages do you know? english, html, geek, and about 3 words of French and German
do you like cotton candy? not much
do you like pina coladas? hell yah
what do you sleep in? shorts
how many pillows do you have? 2
how many times have you moved houses? this survey has taken long enough without having to figure that out
is your room messy? yeh
do you like your handwriting? LOL
do you like to fingerpaint? not my thing
do you sleep with a stuffed animal(s)? nope
are you ticklish? like I'm going to tell YOU!
did you go to preschool? nope
are you a morning person? usually
"hard questions"
would you rather burn to death or freeze to death? burn...just make sure I don't live
would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000? add a zero and we'll talk
if you had a band what would you name it? Once I trademark it, I'll let you know
where do you want to live? I'm quite happy where I'm at thanks
if you had to dye your hair right now, what color would you make it? Blonde I guess
if you had to get a body piercing right now where would it be? ear...I guess
if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would it be? the mark of the beast
Spell your name backward: semaj
If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? one of those nifty fishes that can open its wider than the ladies on Van Buren
Ever been to Belgium? can't say that I have
What's your favourite coin? one that's worth thousands of dollars and doubles in value every night?
describe your..
Pillow cover: red and..... yeh
coffee cup: just the coffee thanks
Sunglasses: Oakleys
Shoes: Kenneth Cole (this is the part of the survey where I suddenly get fashionable)
Favorite top: brown faux suede....but not during the summer
Favorite pants: black
Cologne/Perfume: Dunhill Desire
CD in stereo right now: uhhh....taproot's been trapped in my CD player for months...I really need to get that fixed
Wearing: blue shorts and a t-shirt
Makeup: only when I've been purchased at work
hair: brown, short....very short in fact
height: 5'8"
thinking of: the answer to this question
last thing you...
bought: dinner at Chipotle (pronounced Chip-o-top-lay for those that don't know any better, but don't blame me when people give you looks)
read: The Tao of Photography (but I'm not done yet)
either / or
tea or coffee: coffee
beer or cider: wine
cats or dogs: cats... much like women, one has to work to please them, but they show you real love
single or taken: single... available... bachelor... get the hint?
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: gloves
food or candy: food
cassette or cd: cd
want-didn't I already answer this one? My attention span isn't *that* short
need-alright...so maybe it is that short
live to- is this an attempt to ascribe a purpose to life?
make- somebody was getting desperate with these last few questions
want to be- like I said...very desperate
you are: finally done with this ('bout damn time)