yup just sitting around today with my cute little pussy cat buddy, we are on the job search, so far the jobs I have found, just don't seem to be that great...then again like working at the cafe was that great...ha! You know it's funny people say the funniest things about you when your not around... so I am feeling like I need to talk shit
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Comments 11
^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
I found a normal and nice person for once too :-)
I'll try calling you again soon!!!!
Lova ya!
let me know if you want help with the job search; i happen to be the renegade master of creative resume writing.
my favourite cyrus story to tell people is about the time i was so sick that i couldn't even hold down water, lost my job & spent the whole day puking... & when you came home you tucked me in, got me a fresh glass of water & bucket, kissed my forehead & left. that was so sweet of you.
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