MANY pictures.
yeah you know!
*RozalinA Marie Bobkova.I love you sooo much.we had a blast.AND that better NOT end. <3*
The love of my lifes' Afro! hah. niice
dude it's my dawwg.and his b.f! hah sorry Tessa! lol
interesting cats those two are!!
look at those cuties right there. I love you both sooo much.
Roza looks upset. awww.I love tou roza!
look at that sexy thang! ily Tiffy Krum! hah niice!
- NEXT is Graduation(h.s.)/ field trip!
I love my Brother!
aww.It's Chayanne and Ivanna. hah niice smile Ivanna!
awww.It's Kate! ILY Katie!
thats my hott.picture.with my mommys' pimpin Matrix glasses!
my love Riley.I miss her :'(
me&Joel=Dawwgs fo lyfe!
Dillion begging for mercy.! hah
Dillions hawwt hair.Hope styled it!
Can You Guess What This Is????
- Now starts the Sawga of Victor&Tiffy at lunch!
The pictures begin!
thats suppose to be my hot dogg.BUT idk
The happy Couple.aww
The happy Couple...AGAIN! hah niice.
Tiffy. what an idiot! niice
best friends NEVER kiss and tell.ONLY kiss and shock.
My loves Ashley&Bailey!
aww.Tessa & Joel. so cute!
So cute.the picture is starnge BUT their cute!
niice.gotta love Jasons' Smile.he looks so happy! NOT
you can't forget Jesus.hah ILY Fredo!
wow.Interesting people.
Sasha.ILY hah! niice.
Aislynn looks sooo hawwt! I L Y Aisy-waisy!
I Love Mike! hah
My step Brother!
Me hugging Ms.Holiday!
Picture of my certificate!
- two Best Friends Having the time of their life!
niice. Best Friends through thick N' thin! ILY
our bigg eyes.and our shocked faces! if you only knew!
My to cool for school pic. hah!
Nicole being Nicole..niice!
It's Jenna!
okay. well IDK but Livejournal is being gayy. I'll out the last few in the next update.
In like 5 minutes.
hah niice