For the first time EVAR, I resisted the spoiler cuts and didn't look at anything until the day I had the book in my hands.
Anyway, I don't have much to say on this, I guess. I don't see how so many people are upset with it -- it's possibly my favorite so far, and it was fast-paced and engaging. I finished it in about four hours.
- I had a WTF moment when Ron walked out on Harry and Hermione. And his whole behavior before that, too.
- I didn't call the doe being Snape's Patronus. Some people did, but it didn't even occur to me.
- Neville FTW. \o/ Way to step up and BE A MAN. :D
- Harry and Ginny? ._.
- I loved when Hogwarts took up arms. It's not my school, but I really got this sense of pride as all the teachers and the remaining students decided to give up a good fight.
- Hm. Dumbledore...not much to say on him. Apparently I'm like all the other people who never envisioned him as anything but the wise, old man he appeared to be.
- I loved the Deathly Hallows idea.
- Why, Snape, why? I liked that his death was senseless (as he was not the master of the freaking wand, anyway), but his method of JKR hasn't ever been too good with her deaths.
- I didn't cry when he died (it went by so fast, oh my god), but couldn't help myself during the flashbacks. Looks like the Snape/Lily theory was right, guys. I never would've thought that they'd have met each other at such a young age, though. For some reason, it just never occurred to me.
- I ROFL'd at Snape complaining to Dumbledore about Harry.
- I also ROFL'd when Snape said, "Would you like me to do it now? Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?" Oh, god, that was SO typical Snape. ILU. D: It's like his fallback.
- Another of my LOL points was when Dumbledore said to Snape, "But this is touching, Severus. Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?"
- The funny thing about the polyjuiced Potters was that, well, wasn't there that one fic where Voldemort was defeated because they had an army of Potters? :D
- Also, <3 at Kreacher and his army of house-elves.
- The epilogue was awful. HORRIBLE. I think the only part that I really needed to know was when Harry mentioned Snape, and then I awwwed so badly that my brother looked at me sideways.
I've said this already, but JKR exceeded my expectations. I half-expected her to ruin the entire thing, but I really enjoyed the book.